







package com.android.gallery3d.data;

import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.provider.MediaStore.Files;
import android.provider.MediaStore.Files.FileColumns;
import android.provider.MediaStore.Images;
import android.provider.MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns;
import android.provider.MediaStore.Video;
import android.util.Log; import com.android.gallery3d.common.ApiHelper;
import com.android.gallery3d.common.Utils;
import com.android.gallery3d.util.ThreadPool.JobContext; import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap; class BucketHelper { private static final String TAG = "BucketHelper";
private static final String EXTERNAL_MEDIA = "external"; // BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME is a string like "Camera" which is the directory
// name of where an image or video is in. BUCKET_ID is a hash of the path
// name of that directory (see computeBucketValues() in MediaProvider for
// details). MEDIA_TYPE is video, image, audio, etc.
// BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME字段为文件文件夹名称 BUCKET_ID字段为文件夹路径(path)的HASH值
// The "albums" are not explicitly recorded in the database, but each image
// or video has the two columns (BUCKET_ID, MEDIA_TYPE). We define an
// "album" to be the collection of images/videos which have the same value
// for the two columns.
// "专辑"的划分方式为:当文件具有同样的文件夹(BUCKET_ID)和多媒体类型(MEDIA_TYPE)即属于同一专辑
// The goal of the query (used in loadSubMediaSetsFromFilesTable()) is to
// find all albums, that is, all unique values for (BUCKET_ID, MEDIA_TYPE).
// In the meantime sort them by the timestamp of the latest image/video in
// each of the album.
// The order of columns below is important: it must match to the index in
// MediaStore.
private static final String[] PROJECTION_BUCKET = {
ImageColumns.BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME}; // The indices should match the above projections.
private static final int INDEX_BUCKET_ID = 0;
private static final int INDEX_MEDIA_TYPE = 1;
private static final int INDEX_BUCKET_NAME = 2; // We want to order the albums by reverse chronological order. We abuse the
// "WHERE" parameter to insert a "GROUP BY" clause into the SQL statement.
// The template for "WHERE" parameter is like:
// SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE (%s)
// and we make it look like:
// SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE (1) GROUP BY 1,(2)
// The "(1)" means true. The "1,(2)" means the first two columns specified
// after SELECT. Note that because there is a ")" in the template, we use
// "(2" to match it.
private static final String BUCKET_GROUP_BY = "1) GROUP BY 1,(2"; private static final String BUCKET_ORDER_BY = "MAX(datetaken) DESC"; // Before HoneyComb there is no Files table. Thus, we need to query the
// bucket info from the Images and Video tables and then merge them
// together.
// A bucket can exist in both tables. In this case, we need to find the
// latest timestamp from the two tables and sort ourselves. So we add the
// MAX(date_taken) to the projection and remove the media_type since we
// already know the media type from the table we query from.
private static final String[] PROJECTION_BUCKET_IN_ONE_TABLE = {
ImageColumns.BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME}; // We keep the INDEX_BUCKET_ID and INDEX_BUCKET_NAME the same as
// PROJECTION_BUCKET so we can reuse the values defined before.
private static final int INDEX_DATE_TAKEN = 1; // When query from the Images or Video tables, we only need to group by BUCKET_ID.
private static final String BUCKET_GROUP_BY_IN_ONE_TABLE = "1) GROUP BY (1"; public static BucketEntry[] loadBucketEntries(
JobContext jc, ContentResolver resolver, int type) {
if (ApiHelper.HAS_MEDIA_PROVIDER_FILES_TABLE) {//当API1>= 11(即Android3.0版本号之后)
return loadBucketEntriesFromFilesTable(jc, resolver, type);//获取MediaScanner数据库中多媒体文件(图片和视频)的文件夹路径和文件夹名称
} else {//Android3.0之前版本号
return loadBucketEntriesFromImagesAndVideoTable(jc, resolver, type);
} private static void updateBucketEntriesFromTable(JobContext jc,
ContentResolver resolver, Uri tableUri, HashMap<Integer, BucketEntry> buckets) {
Cursor cursor = resolver.query(tableUri, PROJECTION_BUCKET_IN_ONE_TABLE,
if (cursor == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "cannot open media database: " + tableUri);
try {
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
int bucketId = cursor.getInt(INDEX_BUCKET_ID);
int dateTaken = cursor.getInt(INDEX_DATE_TAKEN);
BucketEntry entry = buckets.get(bucketId);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new BucketEntry(bucketId, cursor.getString(INDEX_BUCKET_NAME));
buckets.put(bucketId, entry);
entry.dateTaken = dateTaken;
} else {
entry.dateTaken = Math.max(entry.dateTaken, dateTaken);
} finally {
} private static BucketEntry[] loadBucketEntriesFromImagesAndVideoTable(
JobContext jc, ContentResolver resolver, int type) {
HashMap<Integer, BucketEntry> buckets = new HashMap<Integer, BucketEntry>(64);
if ((type & MediaObject.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) != 0) {
jc, resolver, Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, buckets);
if ((type & MediaObject.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) != 0) {
jc, resolver, Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, buckets);
BucketEntry[] entries = buckets.values().toArray(new BucketEntry[buckets.size()]);
Arrays.sort(entries, new Comparator<BucketEntry>() {
public int compare(BucketEntry a, BucketEntry b) {
// sorted by dateTaken in descending order
return b.dateTaken - a.dateTaken;
return entries;
} private static BucketEntry[] loadBucketEntriesFromFilesTable(
JobContext jc, ContentResolver resolver, int type) {
Uri uri = getFilesContentUri(); Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri,
if (cursor == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "cannot open local database: " + uri);
return new BucketEntry[0];
ArrayList<BucketEntry> buffer = new ArrayList<BucketEntry>();
int typeBits = 0;
if ((type & MediaObject.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) != 0) {
typeBits |= (1 << FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE);
if ((type & MediaObject.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) != 0) {
typeBits |= (1 << FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO);
try {
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
if ((typeBits & (1 << cursor.getInt(INDEX_MEDIA_TYPE))) != 0) {
BucketEntry entry = new BucketEntry(
cursor.getString(INDEX_BUCKET_NAME));//构造元数据BucketEntry if (!buffer.contains(entry)) {
if (jc.isCancelled()) return null;
} finally {
return buffer.toArray(new BucketEntry[buffer.size()]);
} private static String getBucketNameInTable(
ContentResolver resolver, Uri tableUri, int bucketId) {
String selectionArgs[] = new String[] {String.valueOf(bucketId)};
Uri uri = tableUri.buildUpon()
.appendQueryParameter("limit", "1")
Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, PROJECTION_BUCKET_IN_ONE_TABLE,
"bucket_id = ?", selectionArgs, null);
try {
if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) {
return cursor.getString(INDEX_BUCKET_NAME);
} finally {
return null;
private static Uri getFilesContentUri() {
return Files.getContentUri(EXTERNAL_MEDIA);
} public static String getBucketName(ContentResolver resolver, int bucketId) {
String result = getBucketNameInTable(resolver, getFilesContentUri(), bucketId);
return result == null ? "" : result;
} else {
String result = getBucketNameInTable(
resolver, Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, bucketId);
if (result != null) return result;
result = getBucketNameInTable(
resolver, Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, bucketId);
return result == null ? "" : result;
} public static class BucketEntry {
public String bucketName;
public int bucketId;
public int dateTaken; public BucketEntry(int id, String name) {
bucketId = id;
bucketName = Utils.ensureNotNull(name);
} @Override
public int hashCode() {
return bucketId;
} @Override
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (!(object instanceof BucketEntry)) return false;
BucketEntry entry = (BucketEntry) object;
return bucketId == entry.bucketId;





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