angular.module( "Demo" ).config(
function configureAnimate( $animateProvider ) {
// By default, the $animate service will check for animation styling
// on every structural change. This requires a lot of animateFrame-based
// DOM-inspection. However, we can tell $animate to only check for
// animations on elements that have a specific class name RegExp pattern
// present. In this case, we are requiring the "animated" class.
// --
// NOTE: I have personally seen a performance boost using this approach
// on some complex page. The AngularJS documentation also says that
// this can also be really beneficial for low-powered mobile devices,
// but I don't do much mobile.
$animateProvider.classNameFilter( /\banimated\b/ );
<li ng-repeat="item in activeList" class="animated">
{{ item }}

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