
In this problem, you are given a pair of integers A and B. You can transform any integer number A to B by adding x to A.This x is an integer number which is a prime below A.Now,your task is to find the minimum number of transformation required to transform S to another integer number T.


Input contains multiple test cases.Each test case contains a pair of integers S and T(0< S < T <= 1000) , one pair of integers per line.


For each pair of input integers S and T you should output the minimum number of transformation needed as Sample output in one line. If it's impossible ,then print 'No path!' without the quotes.

Sample Input


Sample Output

Need 1 step(s)
No path!
//从A->B能转化的要求是存在一个质数x,使得x<A ,而且A+x == B 。
//首先我们可以用线性筛素法筛出所有的素数,然后就是bfs搜索就可以了。 #include<iostream>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = ; struct Node
int num ,d ;
Node() {};
Node(int a, int b):num(a),d(b) {}
bool prim[MAXN] ;
bool mark[MAXN] ;
int C , S ,T ; void isprim()
for(int i = ; i < MAXN ; i ++)
prim[i] = ;
for(int i = ; i < MAXN ; i ++)
for(int j = ; i * j < MAXN ; j ++)
prim[i * j] = ;
} int bfs(int source , int destation)
queue<Node> Q ;
memset(mark , , sizeof(mark)) ;
Node a ;
Q.push( Node(source , ) ) ;
mark[source] = ;
while( !Q.empty() )
a = Q.front() ;
Q.pop() ;
for(int i = ; i < a.num ; i ++)
if(!prim[i] )continue ; int number = a.num + i ;
if(number > destation) break ;
if(mark[number]) continue ; mark[number] = ;
if(number == destation)
return a.d + ;
Q.push( Node(number , a.d+) ) ;
return - ;
} int main()
isprim() ;
while( scanf("%d%d" , &S , &T) == )
int d = bfs(S , T) ;
if(d==-) printf("No path!\n") ;
else printf("Need %d step(s)\n" , d) ;
return ;


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