uvm_reg_item 扩展自uvm_sequence_item,也就说寄存器模型定义了transaction item. adapter 的作用是把这uvm_reg_item转换成uvm_sequence_item,再经由uvm_sequencer发送个uvm_driver,最终在总线上传输。

  1. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // Title: Generic Register Operation Descriptors
  3. //
  4. // This section defines the abstract register transaction item. It also defines
  5. // a descriptor for a physical bus operation that is used by <uvm_reg_adapter>
  6. // subtypes to convert from a protocol-specific address/data/rw operation to
  7. // a bus-independent, canonical r/w operation.
  8. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. // CLASS: uvm_reg_item
  12. //
  13. // Defines an abstract register transaction item. No bus-specific information
  14. // is present, although a handle to a <uvm_reg_map> is provided in case a user
  15. // wishes to implement a custom address translation algorithm.
  16. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. class uvm_reg_item extends uvm_sequence_item;
  20. `uvm_object_utils(uvm_reg_item)
  22. // Variable: element_kind
  23. //
  24. // Kind of element being accessed: REG, MEM, or FIELD. See <uvm_elem_kind_e>.
  25. //
  26. uvm_elem_kind_e element_kind;
  28. uvm_object element;
  29. rand uvm_access_e kind;
  31. // Variable: value
  32. //
  33. // The value to write to, or after completion, the value read from the DUT.
  34. // Burst operations use the <values> property.
  35. //
  36. rand uvm_reg_data_t value[];
  38. // TODO: parameterize
  39. constraint max_values { value.size() > && value.size() < ; }
  41. rand uvm_reg_addr_t offset;
  42. uvm_status_e status;
  43. uvm_reg_map local_map;
  44. uvm_reg_map map;
  45. uvm_path_e path;
  46. rand uvm_sequence_base parent;
  47. int prior = -;
  48. rand uvm_object extension;
  49. string bd_kind;
  50. string fname;
  51. int lineno;
  53. function new(string name="");
  54. super.new(name);
  55. value = new[];
  56. endfunction
  58. // Function: convert2string
  59. //
  60. // Returns a string showing the contents of this transaction.
  61. //
  62. virtual function string convert2string();
  63. string s,value_s;
  64. s = {"kind=",kind.name(),
  65. " ele_kind=",element_kind.name(),
  66. " ele_name=",element==null?"null":element.get_full_name() };
  68. if (value.size() > && uvm_report_enabled(UVM_HIGH, UVM_INFO, "RegModel")) begin
  69. value_s = "'{";
  70. foreach (value[i])
  71. value_s = {value_s,$sformatf("%0h,",value[i])};
  72. value_s[value_s.len()-]="}";
  73. end
  74. else
  75. value_s = $sformatf("%0h",value[]);
  76. s = {s, " value=",value_s};
  78. if (element_kind == UVM_MEM)
  79. s = {s, $sformatf(" offset=%0h",offset)};
  80. s = {s," map=",(map==null?"null":map.get_full_name())," path=",path.name()};
  81. s = {s," status=",status.name()};
  82. return s;
  83. endfunction
  85. virtual function void do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
  86. endfunction
  88. endclass
  90. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. //
  92. // CLASS: uvm_reg_bus_op
  93. //
  94. // Struct that defines a generic bus transaction for register and memory accesses, having
  95. // ~kind~ (read or write), ~address~, ~data~, and ~byte enable~ information.
  96. // If the bus is narrower than the register or memory location being accessed,
  97. // there will be multiple of these bus operations for every abstract
  98. // <uvm_reg_item> transaction. In this case, ~data~ represents the portion
  99. // of <uvm_reg_item::value> being transferred during this bus cycle.
  100. // If the bus is wide enough to perform the register or memory operation in
  101. // a single cycle, ~data~ will be the same as <uvm_reg_item::value>.
  102. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. typedef struct {
  106. // Variable: kind
  107. //
  108. // Kind of access: READ or WRITE.
  109. //
  110. uvm_access_e kind;
  112. // Variable: addr
  113. //
  114. // The bus address.
  115. //
  116. uvm_reg_addr_t addr;
  118. // Variable: data
  119. //
  120. // The data to write. If the bus width is smaller than the register or
  121. // memory width, ~data~ represents only the portion of ~value~ that is
  122. // being transferred this bus cycle.
  123. //
  124. uvm_reg_data_t data;
  126. // Variable: n_bits
  127. //
  128. // The number of bits of <uvm_reg_item::value> being transferred by
  129. // this transaction.
  131. int n_bits;
  133. /*
  134. constraint valid_n_bits {
  135. n_bits > 0;
  136. n_bits <= `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH;
  137. }
  138. */
  140. // Variable: byte_en
  141. //
  142. // Enables for the byte lanes on the bus. Meaningful only when the
  143. // bus supports byte enables and the operation originates from a field
  144. // write/read.
  145. //
  146. uvm_reg_byte_en_t byte_en;
  148. // Variable: status
  149. //
  150. // The result of the transaction: UVM_IS_OK, UVM_HAS_X, UVM_NOT_OK.
  151. // See <uvm_status_e>.
  152. //
  153. uvm_status_e status;
  155. } uvm_reg_bus_op;


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