
Attribute "resultType" must be declared for element type "insert".的更多相关文章

  1. Attribute "resultType" must be declared for element type "insert"或"update"

    Attribute "resultType" must be declared for element type "insert"或"update&q ...

  2. Attribute "resultType" must be declared for element type "update" or "insert"

    仔细查看错误如图所示: 解决错误就是把resultType去掉,因为在insert和update语句中是没有返回值的.小坑小坑 转自:https://blog.csdn.net/u013144287/ ...

  3. Multiple annotations found at this line: - The content of element type "mapper" must match "EMPTY". - Attribute "namespace" must be declared for element type "mapper".

    今天在mybatis的mapper映射配置文件中遇到了这样的问题,困扰了我3个小时: Multiple annotations found at this line: - The content of ...

  4. Attribute "not-null" must be declared for element type "property"解决办法

    Attribute "not-null" must be declared for element type "property"解决办法 在hiberante ...

  5. Attribute "resource" must be declared for element type "mapper".

    今天在玩mybatis的时候,遇到这个奇葩问题. 最后发现,原因是 dtd文件配置错误了.错把Mapper的直接copy过来 把DOCTYPE mapper改成configuration,Mapper ...

  6. Attribute name "aphmodel" associated with an element type "mxg" must be followed by the ' = ' charac

    1.错误描述 org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderException: null Enclosed Exception: Attribute name &quo ...

  7. Open quote is expected for attribute "property" associated with an element type "result".错误

    java  Mybatis 框架下的项目 报   Open quote is expected for attribute "property" associated with a ...

  8. [Fatal Error] :3:13: Open quote is expected for attribute "{1}" associated with an element type "id".

    用DOM解析XML时出现了如下错误: [Fatal Error] :3:13: Open quote is expected for attribute "{1}" associa ...

  9. Element type "LinearLayout" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>"的解决办法

    看老师的word文档开始学习.复制了一段代码,在layout中新建了一个Android XML file,发现有提示错误. 代码如下: <?xml version="1.0" ...


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