

Ext.define('Ext.ux.CheckCombo', {
extend : 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
alias : 'widget.checkcombo',
multiSelect : true,
allSelector : false,
noData : true,
noDataText : 'No combo data',
addAllSelector : false,
allSelectorHidden : false,
enableKeyEvents : true,
afterExpandCheck : false,
allText : 'All',
oldValue : '',
listeners : {
* uncomment if you want to reload store on every combo expand
* beforequery: function(qe) { this.store.removeAll(); delete
* qe.combo.lastQuery; },
focus : function(cpt) {
cpt.oldValue = cpt.getValue();
createPicker : function() {
var me = this, picker, menuCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'menu', opts = Ext
pickerField : me,
selectionModel : me.pickerSelectionModel,
floating : true,
hidden : true,
ownerCt : me.ownerCt,
cls : me.el.up('.' + menuCls) ? menuCls : '',
store : me.getPickerStore(),
displayField : me.displayField,
preserveScrollOnRefresh : true,
pageSize : me.pageSize,
tpl : [
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div class="x-boundlist-item" role="option"><span class="x-combo-checker"> </span> {'
+ me.displayField + '}</div>', '</tpl>']
}, me.listConfig, me.defaultListConfig); picker = me.picker = Ext.create('Ext.view.BoundList', opts);
if (me.pageSize) {
picker.pagingToolbar.on('beforechange', me.onPageChange, me);
} // We limit the height of the picker to fit in the space above
// or below this field unless the picker has its own ideas about that.
if (!picker.initialConfig.maxHeight) {
beforeshow : me.onBeforePickerShow,
scope : me
beforeselect : me.onBeforeSelect,
beforedeselect : me.onBeforeDeselect,
scope : me
}); picker.getNavigationModel().navigateOnSpace = false; me.store.on('load', function(store) {
if (store.getTotalCount() == 0) {
me.allSelectorHidden = true;
if (me.allSelector != false)
me.allSelector.setStyle('display', 'none');
if (me.noData != false)
me.noData.setStyle('display', 'block');
} else {
me.allSelectorHidden = false;
if (me.allSelector != false)
me.allSelector.setStyle('display', 'block');
if (me.noData != false)
me.noData.setStyle('display', 'none');
return picker;
reset : function() {
var me = this; me.setValue('');
setValue : function(value) {
this.value = value;
if (!value) {
if (this.allSelector != false)
return this.callParent(arguments);
} if (typeof value == 'string') {
var me = this, records = [], vals = value.split(','); if (value == '') {
if (me.allSelector != false)
} else {
if (vals.length == me.store.getCount() && vals.length != 0) {
if (me.allSelector != false)
me.afterExpandCheck = true;
} Ext.each(vals, function(val) {
var record = me.store.getById(parseInt(val));
if (record)
}); return me.setValue(records);
} else
return this.callParent(arguments);
getValue : function() {
if (typeof this.value == 'object')
return this.value.join(',');
return this.value;
getSubmitValue : function() {
return this.getValue();
expand : function() {
var me = this, bodyEl, picker, doc, collapseIf; if (me.rendered && !me.isExpanded && !me.isDestroyed) {
bodyEl = me.bodyEl;
picker = me.getPicker();
doc = Ext.getDoc();
collapseIf = me.collapseIf;
picker.setMaxHeight(picker.initialConfig.maxHeight); if (me.matchFieldWidth) {
picker.width = me.bodyEl.getWidth();
} // Show the picker and set isExpanded flag. alignPicker only works
// if isExpanded.
me.isExpanded = true;
if (me.noData == false)
me.noData = picker.getEl().down('.x-boundlist-list-ct')
'<div class="x-boundlist-item" role="option">'
+ me.noDataText + '</div>', true);
if (me.addAllSelector == true && me.allSelector == false) {
me.allSelector = picker
'<div class="x-boundlist-item" role="option"><span class="x-combo-checker"> </span> '
+ me.allText + '</div>', true);
me.allSelector.on('click', function(e) {
if (me.allSelector.hasCls('x-boundlist-selected')) {
me.fireEvent('select', me, []);
} else {
var records = [];
me.store.each(function(record) {
me.fireEvent('select', me, records);
}); if (me.allSelectorHidden == true)
me.allSelector.show(); if (me.afterExpandCheck == true) {
me.afterExpandCheck = false;
} // Collapse on touch outside this component tree.
// Because touch platforms do not focus document.body on touch
// so no focusleave would occur to trigger a collapse.
me.touchListeners = doc.on({
// Do not translate on non-touch platforms.
// mousedown will blur the field.
translate : false,
touchstart : me.collapseIf,
scope : me,
delegated : false,
destroyable : true
}); // Scrolling of anything which causes this field to move should
// collapse
me.scrollListeners = Ext.on({
scroll : me.onGlobalScroll,
scope : me,
destroyable : true
}); // monitor touch and mousewheel
me.hideListeners = doc.on({
mousewheel : me.collapseIf,
touchstart : me.collapseIf,
scope : me,
delegated : false,
destroyable : true
}); // Buffer is used to allow any layouts to complete before we align
Ext.on('resize', me.alignPicker, me, {
buffer : 1
me.fireEvent('expand', me);
} else {
me.fireEvent('expand', me);
onListSelectionChange : function(list, selectedRecords) {
var me = this, isMulti = me.multiSelect, hasRecords = selectedRecords.length > 0;
// Only react to selection if it is not called from setValue, and if our
// list is
// expanded (ignores changes to the selection model triggered elsewhere)
if (!me.ignoreSelection && me.isExpanded) {
if (!isMulti) {
Ext.defer(me.collapse, 1, me);
* Only set the value here if we're in multi selection mode or we
* have a selection. Otherwise setValue will be called with an empty
* value which will cause the change event to fire twice.
if (isMulti || hasRecords) {
me.setValue(selectedRecords, false);
if (hasRecords) {
me.fireEvent('select', me, selectedRecords);
me.inputEl.focus(); if (me.addAllSelector == true && me.allSelector != false) {
if (selectedRecords.length == me.store.getTotalCount())


.x-combo-checker {
background-position: 50% -2px;
margin-left: 1px;
background-color: transparent;
background-position: -1px -1px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 14px;
width: 14px;
display: inline-block;
} /*ext多选下拉框样式,已选*/
.x-boundlist-selected .x-combo-checker {


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