# install packages
rpm -i foobar-1.0-1.i386.rpm
# uninstall package
rpm -e foobar
# get help
rpm --help
[root@~]$rpm -qf /etc/redis.conf
[root@~]$rpm -ql python
[root@~]$rpm -qi python
Name : python
Version : 2.7.5
Release : 58.el7
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: Mon 12 Feb 2018 09:51:04 PM CST
Group : Development/Languages
Size : 80827
License : Python
[root@~]$rpm -q python
[root@~]$rpm -qa
Summary: A program that ejects removable media using software control.
Name: eject
Version: 2.0.2
Release: 3
Copyright: GPL
Group: System Environment/Base
Source: http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/eject-2.0.2.tar.gz
Patch: eject-2.0.2-buildroot.patch
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-buildroot
The eject program allows the user to eject removable media
(typically CD-ROMs, floppy disks or Iomega Jaz or Zip disks)
using software control. Eject can also control some multi-
disk CD changers and even some devices' auto-eject features.
Install eject if you'd like to eject removable media using
software control.
%setup -q
%patch -p1 -b .buildroot
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1
install -s -m 755 eject $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/eject
install -m 644 eject.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1/eject.1
* Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton <gafton@redhat.com>
- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 3)
* Wed Feb 24 1999 Preston Brown <pbrown@redhat.com>
- Injected new description and group.
[ Some changelog entries trimmed for brevity. -Editor. ]
The Header段-基本描述信息
- Summary: This is a one line description of the package.
- Name: This must be the name string from the rpm filename you plan to use.
- Version: This must be the version string from the rpm filename you plan to use.
- Release: This is the release number for a package of the same version
- Copyright: This line tells how a package is copyrighted. You should use something like GPL, BSD, MIT, public domain, distributable, or commercial.
- Group: This is a group that the package belongs to in a higher level package tool or the Red Hat installer.
- Source: This line points at the HOME location of the pristine source file. You can also specify more than one source file using lines like:
Source0: blah-0.tar.gz
Source1: blah-1.tar.gz
Source2: fooblah.tar.gz
- Patch: This is the place you can find the patch if you need to download it again.
- BuildRoot: This line allows you to specify a directory as the "root" for building and installing the new package.
- %description It's not really a header item, but should be described with the rest of the header. You need one description tag per package and/or subpackage. This is a multi-line field that should be used to give a comprehensive description of the package.
-n name
will set the name of the build directory to the listed name. The default is $NAME-$VERSION.-c
will create and cd to the named directory before doing the untar.-b #
will untar Source# before cd'ing into the directory.-a #
will untar Source# after cd'ing into the directory.-T
This option overrides the default action of untarring the Source and requires a-b 0
or-a 0
to get the main source file untarred. You need this when there are secondary sources.-D
Do not delete the directory before unpacking. This is only useful where you have more than one setup macro. It should only be used in setup macros after the first one (but never in the first one).-q
option is used to direct %setup to quiet its output. Verbose file listings won't be displayed when unpacking archives with this option.
%patch 宏
- # will apply Patch# as the patch file.
-p #
specifies the number of directories to strip for the patch(1) command.-P
The default action is to apply Patch (or Patch0). This flag inhibits the default action and will require a 0 to get the main source file untarred. This option is useful in a second (or later) %patch macro that required a different number than the first macro.- You can also do %patch# instead of doing the real command: %patch # -P
-b extension
will save originals asfilename.extension
before patching.
clean build root
- %pre is the macro to do pre-install scripts.
- %post is the macro to do post-install scripts.
- %preun is the macro to do pre-uninstall scripts.
- %postun is the macro to do post-uninstall scripts.
- %doc is used to mark documentation in the source package that you want installed in a binary install. The documents will be installed in /usr/doc/$NAME-$VERSION-$RELEASE.
- %config is used to mark configuration files in a package. If you later uninstall a package containing config files, any unchanged files will be removed and any changed files will get moved to their old name with a .rpmsave appended to the filename.
- %dir marks a single directory in a file list to be included as being owned by a package. By default, if you list a directory name WITHOUT a %dir macro, EVERYTHING in that directory is included in the file list and later installed as part of that package.
- %defattr allows you to set default attributes for files listed after the defattr declaration.
- %files -f will allow you to list your files in some arbitrary file within the build directory of the sources.
新的log用 * + date + name + email格式
rpmbuild -ba foobar-1.0.spec
-b 相关参数
means just run the prep section of the specfile.l
is a list check that does some checks on %files.c
do a prep and compile. This is useful when you are unsure of whether your source will build at all. It seems useless because you might want to just keep playing with the source itself until it builds and then start using RPM, but once you become accustomed to using RPM you will find instances when you will use it.i
do a prep, compile, and install.b
prep, compile, install, and build a binary package only.a
build it all (both source and binary packages).--short-circuit
will skip straight to a specified stage (can only be used with c and i).--clean
removes the build tree when done.--keep-temps
will keep all the temp files and scripts that were made in /tmp. You can actually see what files were created in /tmp using the*-v*
does not execute any real stages, but does keep-temp.
- Linux下基于官方源代码RPM包构建自定义MySQL RPM包
rpmbuild时不要以root用户执行! 方法一: 1.首先安装rpmbuild #yum install rpm-build gcc gcc-c++ cmake bison ncurses-dev ...
- RPM包制作过程(一)
本机环境:centos7,64位 1. 首先安装工具,rpmbuild可能在rpmdevtools里已经包含 #yum install rpm-devel.x86_64 #yum install rp ...
- RPM 包的构建 - 实例
打包目录 rpm 打包目录有一些严格的层次上的要求. rpm 的版本 <=4.4.x,rpmbuid 工具其默认的工作路径是 /usr/src/redhat.因为权限的问题,普通用户不能制作 r ...
- RPM 包的构建 - SPEC 基础知识
spec 文件 制作 rpm 软件包并不是一件复杂的工作,其中的关键在于编写软件包的 spec 描述文件. 要想制作一个 rpm 软件包就必须写一个软件包描述文件 spec.这个文件中包含了软件包的诸 ...
- RPM包的制作
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- 根据某个文件或文件夹自制rpm包
首先安装打包软件# yum install rpmbuild rpmdevtools -y 生成打包路径1.使用rpmdev-setuptree ,会自动在用户家目录生成一个rpmbuild的文件夹 ...
- Centos 中如何快速定制二进制的内核RPM 包
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