-- 要点:as设置别名,as可省略 select first_name as "First Name", last_name as "Last Name" from employees
-- 要点:select时添加distinct获取唯一值 select distinct department_id from employees
-- 要点:order by进行排序,desc进行降序排序 select * from employees order by first_name desc
-- 要点:select中可以进行数学运算 select first_name, last_name, salary, salary*0.15 as PF from employees
-- 要点:order by + asc select employee_id, first_name, last_name, salary from employees order by salary asc
-- 要点:sum()加总 select sum(salary) from employees
-- 要点:max() + min() select max(salary), min(salary) from employees
-- 要点:avg()均值 + count()计数 select avg(salary), count(*) from employees
-- 要点:count() select count(*) from employees
-- 要点:count() + distinct select count(distinct job_id) from employees
-- 要点:upper() select upper(first_name) from employees
-- 要点:left()从左开始取字符 select left(first_name, 3) from employees
-- 要点:select可直接计算 select 171*214+625
-- 要点:concat()两列字符串组合 select concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) from employees
-- 要点:trim()去除两边空格 select trim(first_name) from employees
-- 要点:length()计算长度 select length(first_name)+first_name(last_name) from employees
-- 要点:where里使用 REGEXP 实现正则效果 select * from employees where first_name REGEXP '[0-9]'
-- 要点:limit限制取数量 select * from employees limit 10
-- 要点:round()实现小数位控制 select first_name, last_name, round(salary/12, 2) as 'Monthly Salary' from employees
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