<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<configuration> All relative paths in this config are relative to php's install prefix <section name="global_options"> Pid file
<value name="pid_file">/usr/local/php/logs/php-fpm.pid</value> Error log file
<value name="error_log">/usr/local/php/logs/php-fpm.log</value> Log level
<value name="log_level">notice</value> When this amount of php processes exited with SIGSEGV or SIGBUS ...
<value name="emergency_restart_threshold">10</value> ... in a less than this interval of time, a graceful restart will be initiated.
Useful to work around accidental curruptions in accelerator's shared memory.
<value name="emergency_restart_interval">1m</value> Time limit on waiting child's reaction on signals from master
<value name="process_control_timeout">5s</value> Set to 'no' to debug fpm
<value name="daemonize">yes</value> </section> <workers> <section name="pool"> Name of pool. Used in logs and stats.
<value name="name">default</value> Address to accept fastcgi requests on.
Valid syntax is 'ip.ad.re.ss:port' or just 'port' or '/path/to/unix/socket'
<value name="listen_address"></value> <!--默认ip和端口--> <value name="listen_options"> Set listen(2) backlog
<value name="backlog">-1</value> Set permissions for unix socket, if one used.
In Linux read/write permissions must be set in order to allow connections from web server.
Many BSD-derrived systems allow connections regardless of permissions.
<value name="owner"></value> <!-与nginx同名username--->
<value name="group"></value> <!-与nginx同名工作组---> <value name="mode">0666</value>
</value> Additional php.ini defines, specific to this pool of workers.
<value name="php_defines">
<!-- <value name="sendmail_path">/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i</value> -->
<!-- <value name="display_errors">0</value> ##错误不显示0。显示为1 -->
</value> Unix user of processes
<!-- <value name="user">nobody</value> --> Unix group of processes
<!-- <value name="group">nobody</value> --> Process manager settings
<value name="pm"> Sets style of controling worker process count.
Valid values are 'static' and 'apache-like'
<value name="style">static</value> Sets the limit on the number of simultaneous requests that will be served.
Equivalent to Apache MaxClients directive.
Equivalent to PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN environment in original php.fcgi
Used with any pm_style.
<value name="max_children">5</value> <!--fastcgi 进程数默认5个,内存小于2g可设20个进程,大于4g可设200个进程,注意这不是唯一--> Settings group for 'apache-like' pm style
<value name="apache_like"> Sets the number of server processes created on startup.
Used only when 'apache-like' pm_style is selected
<value name="StartServers">20</value> Sets the desired minimum number of idle server processes.
Used only when 'apache-like' pm_style is selected
<value name="MinSpareServers">5</value> Sets the desired maximum number of idle server processes.
Used only when 'apache-like' pm_style is selected
<value name="MaxSpareServers">35</value> </value> </value> The timeout (in seconds) for serving a single request after which the worker process will be terminated
Should be used when 'max_execution_time' ini option does not stop script execution for some reason
'0s' means 'off'
<value name="request_terminate_timeout">0s</value><!-- fastcgi脚本 默觉得0秒说明无限进行--> The timeout (in seconds) for serving of single request after which a php backtrace will be dumped to slow.log file
'0s' means 'off'
<value name="request_slowlog_timeout">0s</value> The log file for slow requests
<value name="slowlog">logs/slow.log</value> Set open file desc rlimit
<value name="rlimit_files">1024</value>
<!--打开文件描写叙述符文件数量限制,能够与linux内核打开文件数关联起来。如运行命令:ulimit -Hsn 65536 --> Set max core size rlimit
<value name="rlimit_core">0</value> Chroot to this directory at the start, absolute path
<value name="chroot"></value> Chdir to this directory at the start, absolute path
<value name="chdir"></value> Redirect workers' stdout and stderr into main error log.
If not set, they will be redirected to /dev/null, according to FastCGI specs
<value name="catch_workers_output">yes</value> How much requests each process should execute before respawn.
Useful to work around memory leaks in 3rd party libraries.
For endless request processing please specify 0
<value name="max_requests">500</value><!--请求数为500时关闭-->
Comma separated list of ipv4 addresses of FastCGI clients that allowed to connect.
Equivalent to FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS environment in original php.fcgi (5.2.2+)
Makes sense only with AF_INET listening socket.
<value name="allowed_clients"></value> <!--訪问fastcgi的ip,比方:nginx转过来的php请求ip为192.168.1.101那么此处必须改动为192.168.1.101--> Pass environment variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH
All $VARIABLEs are taken from current environment
<value name="environment">
<value name="HOSTNAME">$HOSTNAME</value>
<value name="PATH">/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin</value>
<value name="TMP">/tmp</value>
<value name="TMPDIR">/tmp</value>
<value name="TEMP">/tmp</value>
<value name="OSTYPE">$OSTYPE</value>
<value name="MACHTYPE">$MACHTYPE</value>
<value name="MALLOC_CHECK_">2</value>
</value> </section> </workers> </configuration>


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