基于ACIS/HOOPS的3D应用开发简介 【转】
3D 造型
H O O P S / N E
HOOPS 3D Application Framework (HOOPS/3dAF) consists of an integrated
suite of toolkits that are used to build commercial 3D graphics
applications. HOOPS/3dAF provides a flexible architectural foundation
based on a series of modular application components, which enable the
rapid development and maintenance of high-performance design,
visualization, and engineering packages. HOOPS/3dAF maintains platform
independence within each component, providing comprehensive
cross-platform solutions on Windows, UNIX, LINUX, Mac OS X and the
diagram below illustrates how these components are connected to each
other and how user generated events flow from the GUI Toolkit to the
events are collected by a GUI Tool's event queue. The HOOPS/GUI
integration module monitors the event queue and dispatches appropriate
events to either the HOOPS/MVO objects, HOOPS/Net client objects, or
directly to HOOPS/3dGS. The HOOPS/MVO application objects in turn engage
the API of either the geometric modeler, HOOPS/GMB, HOOPS/Net, or
HOOPS/3dGS itself to interact with the data stored in each component.
The Graphical User Interface Integrations
encapsulate the work needed to connect the HOOPS/3dAF to several
different Graphical User Interface (GUI) toolkits. Currently HOOPS/GUI
modules exist for:
bridge provides an API for controlling the manner in which ACIS'
geometric tessellation is mapped to HOOPS primitives, and for finding
exactly which HOOPS segment entity corresponds to which ACIS entity and
vice versa. The HOOPS/ACIS Bridge is supplied as a dynamic linked
library (dll) with an exposed API.
a two-way connection between ACIS and the HOOPS/3dGS involves accessing
the geometric data in ACIS and mapping it the appropriate set of
geometric primitives in HOOPS
<outcome>= api_make_sphere(<radius>, <sphere_body>);
BODY* sphere_body;
vector translate_vector;
transf delta_transf;
outcome o;
delta_transf = translate_transf(translate_vector);
o = api_make_sphere(radius, sphere_body);
o = api_transform_entity(sphere_body, delta_transf);
// before rendering bodies, check if this view is in 'merge faces'
// mode or not, and ensure that the rendering option is set
// accordingly. This is necessary because the HOOPS/GM Rendering
// Options are procedural; they set the current state of the bridge,
// and we need to make sure that all parts in each view object are
// rendered in a consistent mode
if (((HSolidView*)GetView())->GetOptimizations())
HA_Set_Rendering_Options("merge faces");
HA_Set_Rendering_Options("no merge faces");
// now put it in the HOOPS database
return sphere_body;
void HSolidModel::DeleteAcisEntity( ENTITY* entity)
HOOPS/ACIS Bridge maps the tessellation of all ACIS entities to HOOPS
geometric primitives, inserting zero or more new HOOPS geometric
primitives into the HOOPS database for each ACIS entity encountered.
While each ACIS entity uses a pointer for access, HOOPS entities have
“keys” that are long integers and are passed to routines when accessing
the entity. The HOOPS/ACIS Bridge routines HA_Compute_Entity_Pointer and HA_Compute_Geometry_Keys can be used for converting ACIS pointers to HOOPS keys and vice versa.
performing operations that modify ACIS entities, it is necessary to
keep the HOOPS representation of the model synchronized with its ACIS
representation. Because such operations are typically initiated by
selecting (hit testing) HOOPS geometric objects, it is necessary to
determine which ACIS entity(s) correspond with the selected HOOPS
entities, and vice versa. The HOOPS/ACIS Integration includes routines
that support this requirement.
geometric entities are identified by a HOOPS 'key'. Recall that ACIS
entities are referred to by an ACIS pointer. Given a HOOPS key, the HA_Compute_Entity_Pointer function will return the ACIS pointer for the ACIS entity associated with that key. Conversely, given an ACIS pointer, the HA_Compute_Geometry_Keys
function will return all the HOOPS keys for the tessellated geometry or
the HOOPS segment associated with the ACIS entity. (Recall that an ACIS
entity might be represented by more than one HOOPS geometric entity.)
on the HOOPS scene returns the key(s) of HOOPS geometry, requiring us
to find the ACIS entity that is associated with the selected HOOPS
geometry. If we wanted to access the ACIS 'body' entity given the key of
a selected HOOPS geometric primitive, we would call:
BODY* entity = (BODY*)HA_Compute_Entity_Pointer(key, BODY_TYPE);
can now use the pointer of the ACIS entity to perform ACIS operations,
or to access the HOOPS geometric primitives that represent the ACIS
View : Representations of the application data
Operator : Algorithms that operate on the application data
of the application operates on the model via the views of the model.
Views are designed specifically to facilitate a given model interaction
such as data creation or editing. Views can "look at" multiple models
and models can "be seen" by multiple views (a many to many mapping).
Operators are associated with views.
3D objects are organized into segments containing geometry, attributes
and sub-segments. For each application, the 3D model maps to some
section of the HOOPS segment tree, typically in the Include Library.
Views are mapped to HOOPS driver instance segments with camera and
window attributes. The model is either directly built under the driver
instance segment or included from another spot in the segment tree. This
relationship of HOOPS model to HOOPS views is generic and applicable to
most applications built with HOOPS.
consist of the application code that manipulates the application data.
When building HOOPS-MVO applications, the operators use the HOOPS API,
along with other component or application-specific APIs, to manipulate
the data stored in both HOOPS and application-specific data structures.
HOOPS/MVO Classes provide a HOOPS-specific implementation of the
model/view/operator paradigm, which may be directly incorporated into an
application and extended.
library builds higher level objects for the model and view out of HOOPS
segment structures. The HBaseModel object is built out of the include
library and the HBaseView object is built out of HOOPS driver segment
instances. View objects also build an initial segment structure for
managing the inclusion of model objects, interacting with user input,
lighting of the scene, etc...
provides the algorithms for creating, editing, manipulating, and
querying the graphics information stored in the database
HOOPS/3dGS Graphics System, illustrated in Figure 1, consists of 2
major subcomponents: a graphical object database called the HOOPS/3dGS
Segment Tree, and a rendering pipeline called the HOOPS/3dGS Structured
Device Interface.
HOOPS/3dGS database stores graphical data in objects called "segments".
Think of a segment as a container for geometry and attributes that
describe how the geometry is to be drawn..
which lends itself naturally to organizing graphics information. In
terms of object-oriented programming, think of a segment as an object.
is a set of platform and GUI-independent C++ classes that provide
support for creating and reading HOOPS Stream Files (HSF's) or data
streams containing 2D & 3D scene-graph objects, attributes, and any
kind of specialized application-specific data.
open architecture allows developers to create and read custom,
stream-enabled HSF files that are tailored to a particular application's
needs. Its flexibility of design enables the creation of an endless
variety of streaming formats, file extensions, file interaction
strategies (including client/server interaction), data transfer
techniques, and more...all with advanced data compression and full
object and attribute support.
is independent from other HOOPS modules, in that its usage does not
require the application's architecture to be based on HOOPS/3dAF. Any
application using a proprietary scene graph, as well as those that use
HOOPS/3dAF, can implement HOOPS/Stream.
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