Once upon a time, there lived a king and queen.


They had a beautiful daughter.


One day an angry bad witch appeared on her birthday.


"I'm going to cast a spell on the princess. She will prick herself on a needle and die!" shouted the witch.


The queen was very upset.


When the bad witch left, a good witch changed the spell.


"She will prick her finger and fall asleep. She will wake up if she is kissed by a prince," said the good witch.


The king later got rid of all the needles in the country.


The beautiful princess lived a happy life.


On her eighteenth birthday, she found a hidden door in the caslte.


She opened it and found an old lady sewing.


"That looks like fun! What are you doing?" asked the princess.


Sha had never seen anyone sew before because the king did not allow people to have needles.


"I am sewing a dress. Would you like to try?" asked the old lady.


The princess took the needle in her hand.


Then she pricked herself.


At that moment, the entire castle - including the animals - fell asleep.


Everyone in the castle slept for one hundred years.


During that time, plants grew and hid the castle.


One day a prince was lost.


And he saw the thick woods.


He used his sword to cut through the plants.


The prince was surprised to discover that there was a castle underneath.


He went inside and found everyone asleep.


He walked around the castle and saw the beautiful sleeping princess.


The prince held her hand and kissed it.


At that moment the princess and the rest of the castle woke up.


The princess brought the prince to her parents.


They were soon married.


The prince and the princess lived happily ever after.


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