如果不是uoj上有的话(听说这是China Round),我有可能就错过这道题目了(这是我有史以来为oi写的最长的代码,用了我一天TAT!)。




  • 修改某点的权值
  • 询问点\(x\)到\(y\)的经过的最小的点(同一个点不能重复经过)





Consider a biconnected graph with at least 3 vertices. If we remove any vertex or any edge, the graph is still connected.

We build a network on the graph. Let's use (u,v,w) to describe a directed edge from u to v with capacity w. For each edge (u,v) of the original graph, we build (u,v,1) and (v,u,1). Build (S,c,2), (a,T,1) and (b,T,1). For each vertex other than S,T,c, we should give a capacity of 1 to the vertex.

In order to give capacity to vertex u, we build two vertices u1,u2 instead of u. For each (v,u,w), build (v,u1,w). For each (u,v,w), build(u2,v,w). Finally build (u1,u2,1).

Hence, if the maximal flow from S to T is 2, there is a simple path from a to b going through c.

Now we consider the minimal cut of the network. It is easy to find that minimal cut <= 2, so let's prove minimal cut > 1, which means, no matter which edge of capacity 1 we cut, there is still a path from S to T.

If we cut an edge like (u1,u2,1), it is equivalent to set the capacity of the vertex to 0, and equivalent to remove the vertex from the original graph. The graph is still connected, so there is still a path in the network.

If we cut other edges, it is equivalent to remove an edge from the original graph. It is still connected, too.

Now we have minimal cut > 1, which means maximal flow = minimal cut = 2. So there is always a simple path from a to b going through c.








  • 不要用set而是multiset
  • dfs子结点\(u\)后,不要漏了这一句(太久没写tarjan了):low[v] = min(low[v], low[u])


#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <stack>
#include <set>
using namespace std; template <class t>
void tension(t &a, const t &b) {
if (b < a) {
a = b;
} template <class t>
void relax(t &a, const t &b) {
if (b > a) {
a = b;
} const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int MAXN = (int) 1e5 + 3;
const int MAXM = (int) 1e5 + 3;
const int MAXSIZE = 1 << 19; int n, m, Q, A[MAXN]; struct Edge {
int to;
Edge *next;
}; struct BCC {
multiset<int> s;
void insert(int);
int maxval; BCC() {
maxval = INF;
} void change(int a, int b) {
maxval = *s.begin();
}; int cntBcc;
BCC bcc[MAXN * 2];
int idxNew[MAXN]; void BCC::insert(int x) {
maxval = *s.begin();
} namespace zkwSegmentTree {
int depth;
int A[MAXSIZE + 1]; void init(int size) {
while ((1 << depth) - 2 < size) {
depth ++;
} void initModify(int x, int v) {
A[(1 << depth) + x] = v;
} void upgrade() {
for (int i = (1 << depth) - 1; i; i --)
A[i] = min(A[i << 1], A[i << 1 ^ 1]);
} int query(int a, int b) {
a = (1 << depth) + a - 1;
b = (1 << depth) + b + 1;
int ans = INF;
for (; a ^ b ^ 1; a >>= 1, b >>= 1) {
if (~a & 1) tension(ans, A[a ^ 1]);
if ( b & 1) tension(ans, A[b ^ 1]);
return ans;
} void modify(int a, int v)
a = (1 << depth) + a;
A[a] = v;
for (a >>= 1; a; a >>= 1)
A[a] = min(A[a << 1], A[a << 1 ^ 1]);
} namespace newGraph {
const int MAXNODE = MAXN * 2;
int root;
Edge *info[MAXNODE], mem[MAXNODE], *cur_mem = mem;
int fa[MAXNODE]; void insert(int f, int s) {
cur_mem->to = s;
cur_mem->next = info[f];
info[f] = cur_mem ++;
} int cntPath;
int top[MAXNODE], heavySon[MAXNODE];
int dep[MAXNODE], size[MAXNODE], belong[MAXNODE];
int idxMap[MAXNODE]; int cutVertex[MAXNODE]; void cutLightHeavy() {
static int que[MAXNODE];
int low = 0, high = 0;
que[high ++] = root;
fa[root] = -1;
while (low < high) {
int v = que[low ++];
for (Edge *pt = info[v]; pt; pt = pt->next) {
int u = pt->to;
que[high ++] = u;
dep[u] = dep[v] + 1;
fa[u] = v;
} for (int i = high - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
int v = que[i];
size[v] = 1;
heavySon[v] = -1;
for (Edge *pt = info[v]; pt; pt = pt->next) {
int u = pt->to;
size[v] += size[u];
if (heavySon[v] == -1 || size[u] > size[heavySon[v]]) {
heavySon[v] = u;
} zkwSegmentTree::init(cntBcc);
int cntIdx = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < high; i ++) {
int v = que[i];
if (idxMap[v] == 0) {
top[cntPath] = v;
for (; v != -1; v = heavySon[v]) {
idxMap[v] = cntIdx ++;
zkwSegmentTree::initModify(idxMap[v], bcc[v].maxval);
belong[v] = cntPath;
cntPath ++;
} int query(int a, int b) {
int ret = INF;
a = idxNew[a], b = idxNew[b]; while (belong[a] != belong[b]) {
if (dep[top[belong[a]]] < dep[top[belong[b]]]) {
swap(a, b);
tension(ret, zkwSegmentTree::query(idxMap[top[belong[a]]], idxMap[a]));
a = fa[top[belong[a]]];
if (dep[a] < dep[b]) swap(a, b);
tension(ret, zkwSegmentTree::query(idxMap[b], idxMap[a]));
tension(ret, A[cutVertex[b]]); return ret;
} namespace srcGraph {
Edge *info[MAXN], mem[MAXM * 2], *cur_mem = mem; void insert2(int a, int b) {
cur_mem->to = b;
cur_mem->next = info[a];
info[a] = cur_mem ++; cur_mem->to = a;
cur_mem->next = info[b];
info[b] = cur_mem ++;
} void init() {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i ++) {
int a, b;
scanf("%d%d\n", &a, &b);
insert2(a, b);
} int dfn[MAXN], low[MAXN], bccFa[MAXN]; void make() {
stack< pair<int, Edge*> > stk;
stk.push(make_pair(1, (Edge*) NULL) );
stack<int> contain; memset(dfn, -1, sizeof(dfn));
memset(low, -1, sizeof(low));
memset(bccFa, -1, sizeof(bccFa));
int cntDfn = 0; while (! stk.empty()) {
int v = stk.top().first;
Edge *&pt = stk.top().second;
if (! pt) {
dfn[v] = low[v] = cntDfn ++;
pt = info[v];
else {
int u = pt->to;
tension(low[v], low[u]); if (low[u] == dfn[v]) {
int newBcc = cntBcc ++;
while (true) {
int t = contain.top();
if (bccFa[t]) {
newGraph::insert(newBcc, bccFa[t]);
if (bccFa[t] == -1) idxNew[t] = newBcc;
if (t == u) break;
} if (bccFa[v] == -1) {
idxNew[v] = cntBcc;
bccFa[v] = cntBcc ++;
newGraph::cutVertex[bccFa[v]] = v;
newGraph::cutVertex[newBcc] = v;
newGraph::insert(bccFa[v], newBcc);
} for (; pt; pt = pt->next) {
int u = pt->to;
if (dfn[u] != -1) tension(low[v], dfn[u]);
else {
stk.push(make_pair(u, (Edge*) NULL));
} if (! pt) stk.pop();
} newGraph::root = bccFa[1];
idxNew[1] = bccFa[1];
} int main() {
scanf("%d%d%d\n", &n, &m, &Q);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++) {
scanf("%d\n", A + i);
newGraph::cutLightHeavy(); for (int i = 0; i < Q; i ++) {
char opt;
int a, b;
scanf("%c%d%d\n", &opt, &a, &b);
if (opt == 'A') {
int ans = a == b ? A[a] : newGraph::query(a, b);
printf("%d\n", ans);
else {
int t = idxNew[a];
if (t == newGraph::root) {
A[a] = b;
if (srcGraph::bccFa[a] != -1) {
t = newGraph::fa[t];
bcc[t].change(A[a], b);
A[a] = b;
zkwSegmentTree::modify(newGraph::idxMap[t], bcc[t].maxval);
} return 0;

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