如何诊断crs 安装时 root.sh 脚本执行错误
troubleshooting root.sh problem
------*for 10g and 11.1
2.---查证OCR/Voting 文件对oracle 、root用户都是可以读写的,盘的权限
Dd if=/dev/raw/raw1 of=/dev/null --验证可读
Pre Install:
OCR - root:oinstall - 640
Voting - oracle:oinstall - 660
Post Install:
OCR - root:oinstall - 640
Voting - oracle:oinstall - 644
In RHAS 4.0, permissions should be added to /etc/rc.d/rc.local. See
Note 293819.1 for more information.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/traindata_dg/ocrV1064_100m.dbf bs=8192
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/traindata_dg/V1064_vote_01_20m.dbf bs=8192
4.Verify that the Oracle user has permissions on /var/tmp
5.Is pam being used? Look for pam_unix messages in the messages
file. The pam configuration might need to be altered to allow the
root.sh to complete. ---pam_unix :传统的密码验证模块
6.Verify that the correct vendor clusterware version is being used
(if vendor clusterware is being used). If on Sun, make sure you are
using the latest UDLM.
If on Sun, make sure the udlm has the keyword "reentrant". Example:
> more /var/sadm/pkg/ORCLudlm/pkginfo | grep VERSION
VERSION=Dev Release 10/29/03, 64bit reentrant
7. Veirfy that crs, css, or evm is not already running ( ps -ef |
grep d.bin )
------debug root.sh------
1.crsctl stop crs (root用户)
2. Backup the entire Oracle Clusterware home.
3.Execute <CRS_HOME>/install/rootdelete.sh on all nodes
4. Execute <CRS_HOME>/install/rootdeinstall.sh on the installing node
5. The following commands should return nothing:
* ps -e | grep -i 'ocs[s]d'
* ps -e | grep -i 'cr[s]d.bin'
* ps -e | grep -i 'ev[m]d.bin'
Eventually kill those processes or reboot the node.
6. Remove all files from /tmp/.oracle and /var/tmp/.oracle
7. edit the root.sh and add 'sh -x' before the two commands executed
by it, e.g.
sh -x /u01/app/oracle/product/crs102/install/rootinstall
sh -x /u01/app/oracle/product/crs102/install/rootconfig
8. collect the output via, e.g.
script /tmp/rootsh-node1.log
9. Please send the rootsh-node1.log to Oracle Support for analyzing.
- In some cases, these messages can be found in the rootsh-
<node_name>.log file:
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