Ceph was made possible by a global community of passionate storage engineers and researchers(存储工程师及研究员);

Ceph is a unified,distributed object store(分布式对象存储) and file system(FS文件系统) designed to provide excellent(出色性能) performance, reliability and scalability

Ceph is open source and freely-available, and it always will be


OpenStack Glance(镜像服务器): Disable Cache Management(禁用缓存管理) While Using Ceph RBD

OpenNebula 4.8 With Ceph Support on Debian Wheezy

<3,Object storage>

Ceph provides seamless access to objects using native language bindings or radosgw, a REST interface that’s compatible with applications written for S3 (simple storage service)  E2(elastic cloud compute) and Swift(OpenStack project中core project Obect storage)

Ceph provides a POSIX(Portable Operating System Interface of Unix)-compliant network file system that aims for high performance, large data storage, and maximum compatibility with legacy applications

dedicated office hours to answer community questions and provide assistance see more at:

Ceph file system provides numerous benefits:

It provides stronger data safety for mission-critical applications.
    It provides virtually unlimited storage to file systems.
    Applications that use file systems can use Ceph FS with POSIX semantics. No integration or customization required!
    Ceph automatically balances the file system to deliver maximum performance.

Ceph file system provides numerous benefits:

  • It provides stronger data safety for mission-critical applications.
  • It provides virtually unlimited storage to file systems.
  • Applications that use file systems can use Ceph FS with POSIX semantics. No integration or customization required!
  • Ceph automatically balances the file system to deliver maximum performance.

- See more at:

dedicated office hours to answer community questions and provide assistance - See more at:
Ceph provides seamless access to objects using native language bindings or radosgw, a REST interface that’s compatible with applications written for S3 and Swift - See more at:


  1. [ ceph ] 基本概念、原理、架构介绍

    1. Ceph 架构 1.1 Ceph 接口 Ceph 支持三种接口: Object:有原生的API,而且也兼容 Swift 和 S3 的 API Block:支持精简配置.快照.克隆 File:Po ...

  2. Ceph:一个开源的 Linux PB 级分布式文件系统

    探索 Ceph 文件系统和生态系统 M. Tim Jones , 自由作家 简介:  Linux®持续不断进军可扩展计算空间,特别是可扩展存储空间.Ceph 最近才加入到 Linux 中令人印象深刻的 ...

  3. Ceph基本情况介绍

    Ceph基本情况的介绍 Ceph是一个分布式存储软件. 它支持用3种方式存储数据,分别是:对象存储.块设备存储.分布式文件系统存储. Ceph最初的目标是做一个分布式文件系统,直到现在这个目标也不能算 ...

  4. 分布式存储ceph集群实践

    1.环境规划,三台主机      集群网络 ...

  5. 什么是Ceph存储?什么是分布式存储?简单明了带你学Ceph--<1>

    Ceph存储介绍 为什么要用Ceph Ceph是当前非常流行的开源分布式存储系统,具有高扩展性.高性能.高可靠性等优点,同时提供块存储服务(rbd).对象存储服务(rgw)以及文件系统存储服务(cep ...

  6. 5.Ceph 基础篇 - 认证

    文章转载自: ...

  7. 理解 OpenStack + Ceph (9): Ceph 的size/min_size/choose/chooseleaf/scrubbing/repair 等概念

    本系列文章会深入研究 Ceph 以及 Ceph 和 OpenStack 的集成: (1)安装和部署 (2)Ceph RBD 接口和工具 (3)Ceph 物理和逻辑结构 (4)Ceph 的基础数据结构 ...

  8. Ceph 概念理解

    简介 Ceph是一个可靠地.自动重均衡.自动恢复的分布式存储系统,根据场景划分可以将Ceph分为三大块,分别是对象存储.块设备存储和文件系统服务. 在虚拟化领域里,比较常用到的是Ceph的块设备存储, ...

  9. Ceph中的Copyset概念和使用方法

    前言 copyset运用好能带来什么好处 降低故障情况下的数据丢失概率(增加可用性) 降低资源占用,从而降低负载 copyset的概念 首先我们要理解copyset的概念,用通俗的话说就是,包含一个数 ...


  1. aspose.words 处理word转PDF

    处理如下: import com.aspose.words.Document; import com.aspose.words.SaveFormat; import com.platform.cust ...

  2. Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Chinese_PRC_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.

    Scenario : 这个问题是我的存储过程中用到临时表时发生的. 应该是sql server 服务器的排序规则 (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS ) 与数据库的排序规则(C ...

  3. Oracle EBS-SQL (PO-3):检查期间手工下达的采购订单记录数.sql

    SELECT DECODE(pda.req_distribution_id,'','手工','自动创建') 下达方式, --pda.req_distribution_id                ...

  4. 忘记linux密码

  5. 窗体的扩展样式GWL_EXSTYLE用于SetWindowLong

    SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_TRANSPARENT or WS_EX_ ...

  6. Keli Linux与网络安全(1)——在VMWare中安装Keli系统

    Kali Linux是基于Debian的Linux发行版, 设计用于数字取证和渗透测试.由OffensiveSecurity Ltd维护和资助.最先由Offensive Security的Mati A ...

  7. 并查集及其简单应用:优化kruskal算法

    并查集是一种可以在较短的时间内进行集合的查找与合并的树形数据结构 每次合并只需将两棵树的根合并即可 通过路径压缩减小每颗树的深度可以使查找祖先的速度加快不少 代码如下: int getfather(i ...

  8. Recover a file when you use git reset head by mistake.

    $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in .git/ $ echo "testing reset" > file1 $ g ...

  9. mysql中多个字段共同确定唯一性

    create table tbl_table ( id integer not null auto_increment, fname varchar(255), lname varchar(255), ...

  10. uva 10051 Tower of Cubes(DAG最长路)

    题目连接:10051 - Tower of Cubes 题目大意:有n个正方体,从序号1~n, 对应的每个立方体的6个面分别有它的颜色(用数字给出),现在想要将立方体堆成塔,并且上面的立方体的序号要小 ...