1、Multiple features

  • So what the form of the hypothesis should be ?

  • For convenience, define x0=1

  • At this time, the parameter in the model is a ( + 1)-dimensional vector, and any training instance is also a ( + 1)-dimensional vector. The dimension of the feature matrix is { ∗ ( + 1)} , so the formula can be simplified to :

2、Gradient descent for multiple variables

  • Here is the gradient descent looks like

  • Python code:
def computeCost(X, y, theta):
inner = np.power(((X * theta.T) - y), 2)
return np.sum(inner) / (2 * len(X)

3、Gradient descent in practice I :Feature Scaling

  • An idea about feature scaling(特征缩放) --- make sure features are on a similar scale and get every feature into approximately a -1≤xi≤1 range

4、Gradient descent in practice II: Learning rate

5、Features and Polynomial Regression

  • Housing price prediction

  • Linear regression is not suitable for all data, sometimes we need a curve to fit our data, such as a quadratic model :

  • Or maybe a cubic model :

  • According to the graphical characteristics of the function, we can also use :

6、Normal Equation

  • Normal equation : method to solve for θ analytically
  • It is too long and involved
  • And now,I am going to take the dataset and add an extra column
  • Then construct a matrix X :

  • And construct a vector y :

  • Solve the vector using the normal equation :

  • We get :

  • How to choose gradient descent or normal equation ?

  • Use python to implement Normal Equation
import numpy as np

def normalEqn(X, y):
theta = np.linalg.inv(X.T@X)@X.T@y #X.T@X 等价于 X.T.dot(X)
return theta

7、Normal Equation Non-invertibility


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