Good Sentences
Wine in, truth out
One is never too old to learn
What is done can not be undone
Time tries all things
Every dog has its day. 风水轮流转
The car will find its way round the hill when it gets there
Strike when the iron is hot
Something is learned every time a book is opened
Practices make prefect 熟能生巧
Out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦
Merry meet, merry part 好聚好散
Keep something for a rainy day 未雨绸缪
Home is where the heart is 心在哪里,哪里就是家
Experience is the best teacher. 实践出真知
Bad luck often brings good luck 塞翁失马,焉知非福
The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.
One never lose anything by politeness 讲礼貌不吃亏
Wealth is the test of a man's character. 财富是对一个人品格的试金石。
Sharp tools make good work. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。
The wealth of the mind is the only wealth. 精神财富是唯一的财富。
Sow nothing, reap nothing. 春不播,秋不收。
The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.
Bad times make a good man. 艰难困苦出能人。
Variety is the spice of life. 变化是生活的调味品。
Doubt is the key to knowledge. 怀疑是知识的钥匙。
- I'm sorry的回答:
- never mind
you are welcome.
not at all
It doesn't matter
that's ok
that’s all right -
thank you和sorry回答
Thank you的回答
Thank you的几种答语都有各自的意思:
You are welcome. 你是受欢迎的(我愿你帮助你)
It's my pleasure./ My pleasure.这是我的荣幸(为你效劳)
Don't mention it. 别提它了(别客气)
Never mind. 别在意(别客气)
显然前两个更适合对陌生人说,后面的用在朋友身上更合适。sorry 的回答
It doesn't matter.
Never mind.
That's Ok.
It's(that's) all right.
Forget it.thank you 和sorry在英语口语中使用频率很高,它们的答语有些是相同的,有些却只能用于其中的一种情况。现简述如下:
(1)Not at all. 不用谢。/没关系。
(2)That's all right. 不用谢。/没关系。
(3)That's OK. 不用谢。/没关系。
(4)It's nothing. 没什么。/没关系。
(5)Don't mention it. 不要客气。
(6)Forget it. 忘掉它。
(7)、No problem. 没问题。
2)、只能用于thank you 的答语:
(1)It's a pleasure. 不用谢。
(2)You are welcome. 别客气。
(3)My pleasure. 我很乐意。
(1)It doesn't matter. 没关系。如:
— I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起,我迟到了。
— It doesn't matter. 没关系。
(2)Never mind. 没关系。如:
—I'm sorry I can't help you. 对不起,我不能帮你了。
— Never mind. 没关系。
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