“p” command prints the buffer (remember to use -n option with “p”) 
“d” command is just opposite, its for deletion. ‘d’ will delete the pattern space buffer and immediately starts the next cycle.

# sed 'ADDRESS'd filename 
# sed /PATTERN/d filename

Let us first creates thegeekstuff.txt file that will be used in all the examples mentioned below. 
# cat thegeekstuff.txt 
1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
5. Storage 
6. Cool gadgets and websites 
7. Productivity (Too many technologies to explore, not much time available) 
8. Website Design 
9. Software Development 
10.Windows- Sysadmin, reboot etc.

sed ‘Nd’ filename 

As per sed methodology, 
It reads the first line and places in its pattern buffer. 
Check whether supplied command is true for this line, if true, deletes pattern space buffer and starts next cycle. i.e Read next line. 
If supplied command doesnt true, as its normal behaviour it prints the content of the pattern space buffer.

$ sed 3d thegeekstuff.txt 
1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
5. Storage 
6. Cool gadgets and websites 
7. Productivity (Too many technologies to explore, not much time available) 
8. Website Design 
9. Software Development

10.Windows- Sysadmin, reboot etc.

$sed 3~2d thegeekstuff.txt 

1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
6. Cool gadgets and websites 
8. Website Design 
10.Windows- Sysadmin, reboot etc.


$sed 4,8d thegeekstuff.txt 

1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
9. Software Development 
10.Windows- Sysadmin, reboot etc. 
$sed '4,8d' thegeekstuff.txt 
1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
9. Software Development 
10.Windows- Sysadmin, reboot etc. 
$sed '4,8'd thegeekstuff.txt 
1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
9. Software Development

10.Windows- Sysadmin, reboot etc.

$sed '$'d thegeekstuff.txt 

1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
5. Storage 
6. Cool gadgets and websites 
7. Productivity (Too many technologies to explore, not much time available) 
8. Website Design 
9. Software Development 
$sed '$d' thegeekstuff.txt 
1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
5. Storage 
6. Cool gadgets and websites 
7. Productivity (Too many technologies to explore, not much time available) 
8. Website Design

9. Software Development

$sed /Sysadmin/d thegeekstuff.txt 

2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
5. Storage 
6. Cool gadgets and websites 
7. Productivity (Too many technologies to explore, not much time available) 
8. Website Design 
9. Software Development 
$sed '/Sysadmin/d' thegeekstuff.txt 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
5. Storage 
6. Cool gadgets and websites 
7. Productivity (Too many technologies to explore, not much time available) 
8. Website Design 
9. Software Development 
$sed '/Sysadmin/'d thegeekstuff.txt 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
5. Storage 
6. Cool gadgets and websites 
7. Productivity (Too many technologies to explore, not much time available) 
8. Website Design 
9. Software Development


$sed '/Website Design/,$d' thegeekstuff.txt 

1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
5. Storage 
6. Cool gadgets and websites 
7. Productivity (Too many technologies to explore, not much time available) 
$sed '/Website Design/,$'d thegeekstuff.txt 
1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
5. Storage 
6. Cool gadgets and websites

7. Productivity (Too many technologies to explore, not much time available)

$sed '/Storage/,+2d' thegeekstuff.txt 

1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
8. Website Design 
9. Software Development 
10.Windows- Sysadmin, reboot etc. 
$sed '/Storage/,+2'd thegeekstuff.txt 
1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
8. Website Design 
9. Software Development

10.Windows- Sysadmin, reboot etc.

$sed '/^$/d' thegeekstuff.txt 

1. Linux - Sysadmin, Scripting etc. 
2. Databases - Oracle, mySQL etc. 
3. Hardware 
4. Security (Firewall, Network, Online Security etc) 
5. Storage 
6. Cool gadgets and websites 
7. Productivity (Too many technologies to explore, not much time available) 
8. Website Design 
9. Software Development 
10.Windows- Sysadmin, reboot etc.

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