Windows 和 Linux 的IPC API对应表
Windows 和 Linux 的IPC API对应表
Windows | Linux | Classification |
CreateProcess() CreateProcessAsUser() |
fork() setuid() exec() |
Mappable |
TerminateProcess() | kill() | Mappable |
SetThreadpriority() GetThreadPriority() |
Setpriority() GetPriority() |
Mappable |
GetCurrentProcessID() | getpid() | Mappable |
Exitprocess() | exit() | Mappable |
WaitForSingleObjec() WaitForMultipleObject() GetExitCodeProcess() |
waitpid() ※Using Sys V semaphores, WaitForSingleObjec/MultipleObject can be implemented |
Context specific |
GetEnvironmentVariable() SetEnvironmentVariable() |
getenv() setenv() |
Mappable |
Windows | Linux | Classification |
CreateThread() | pthread_create pthread_attr_init pthread_attr_setstacksize pthread_attr_destroy |
Mappable |
ThreadExit() | pthread_exit | Mappable |
WaitForSingleObject() | pthread_join pthread_attr_setdetachstate pthread_detach |
Mappable |
SetPriorityClass() SetThreadPriority() |
setpriority sched_setscheduler sched_setparam pthread_setschedparam |
Context Specific |
Windows | Linux -- threads | Linux -- process |
Mutex | Mutex - pthread library | System V semaphores |
Critical section | Mutex - pthread library | Not applicable as critical sections are used only between the threads of the same process |
Semaphore | Conditional Variable with mutex - pthreads POSIX semaphores |
System V Semaphores |
Event | Conditional Variable with mutex - pthreads | System V Semaphores |
Windows | Linux -- threads | Linux -- process | Classification |
CreateSemaphore | sem_init | semget semctl |
Context specific |
OpenSemaphore | Not applicable | semget | Context specific |
WaitForSingleObject | sem_wait sem_trywait |
semop | Context specific |
ReleaseSemaphore | sem_post | semop | Context specific |
CloseHandle | sem_destroy | semctl | Context specific |
Windows | Linux -- threads | Linux -- process | Classification |
CreateEvent OpenEvent |
pthread_cond_init sem_init |
semget semctl |
Context specific |
SetEvent | pthread_cond_signal sem_post |
semop | Context specific |
ResetEvent | N/A | N/A | Context specific |
WaitForSingleObject | pthread_cond_wait pthread_cond_timedwait sem_wait sem_trywait |
semop | Context specific |
CloseHandle | pthread_cond_destroy sem_destroy |
semctl | Context specific |
Windows | Linux -- threads | Linux -- process | Classification |
CreateMutex | pthreads_mutex_init | semget semctl |
Context specific |
OpenMutex | Not applicable | semget | Context specific |
WaitForSingleObject | pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_trylock |
semop | Context specific |
ReleaseMutex | pthread_mutex_unlock | semop | Context specific |
CloseHandle | pthread_mutex_destroy | semctl | Context specific |
Windows | Linux | Classification |
InitializeCriticalSection InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount |
pthreads_mutex_init | Mappable |
EnterCriticalSection TryEnterCriticalSection |
pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_trylock |
Mappable |
LeaveCriticalSection | pthread_mutex_unlock | Mappable |
DeleteCriticalSection | pthread_mutex_destroy | Mappable |
Windows | Linux -- threads | Linux -- process | Classification |
SignalObjectAndWait | semop | semop | Context specific |
WaitForMultipleObjects | sem_wait sem_trywait |
semop | Context specific |
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