17115 ooxx numbers

时间限制:1000MS  内存限制:65535K

题型: 编程题   语言: 无限制


a number A called oo number of a number B if the sum of all As factor is the number B.
(A,B) is a pair of ooxx numbers if A is the oo number of B and B is the oo number of A.
Now i want to find how many pairs of ooxx numbers in [1,n]


there are many cases in the input.
for each line there is a number n. ( 1 <= n <= 5000000 )


for each n, output the numbers of pairs of ooxx numbers in [1,n] 






220 and 280 is a pair of ooxx numbers.






相比之下自己求因子和的方法,太挫了 -_-||:

#include<algorithm> using namespace std; int digit[]; int main()
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
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digit[] = ;
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digit[] = ;
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digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
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digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ;
digit[] = ; sort(digit, digit+);
int n;
while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
int i = ;
for(; i<=; ++i)
if(digit[i] > n) break;
printf("%d\n", i-);
return ;

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