Careercup - Google面试题 - 5765091433644032
2014-05-08 09:32
Given a binary tree, how would you copy it from one machine to the other, assume you have a flash drive. I believe we should write the binary tree to file and have the other machine de-serialize it. But how should we do it?
// Transfer a binary tree to another machine? Of course, serialization and deserialization.
// Any kind of tree traversal with the help of a special notation to represent 'NULL' can do the serialization.
// For example, preorder traversal for the tree below:
// 1
// / \
// 2 8
// / \ / \
// 7 12 34 9
// If we use '#' to represent NULL, the preorder traversal looks like {1, 2, 7, #, #, 12, #, #, 8, 34, #, #, 9, #, #}
// With this you can output the array to a text file.
// The '#' notation ensures that every binary tree has its unique preorder traversal.
int main()
return ;
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