(WPF) MVVM: ComboBox Binding, XML 序列化
此例子要实现的效果就是将一个List<Customer> 绑定到一个ComboBox,并将选择后的Customer的Age显示在一个TextBlock中。
1. Model
- public class Customer
- {
- public string Name
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- public int Age
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- }
2. ViewModel
- public class CustomerViewModel : ViewModelBase
- {
- private List<Customer> customers;
- private Customer selectedCustomer;
- public CustomerViewModel()
- {
- this.customers = new List<Customer>()
- {
- new Customer { Name = "Paul", Age = },
- new Customer { Name = "Fred", Age = },
- new Customer { Name = "Cherry", Age = },
- };
- this.selectedCustomer = new Customer();
- }
- public List<Customer> Customers
- {
- get
- {
- return this.customers;
- }
- set
- {
- if (!this.customers.Equals(value))
- {
- this.customers = value;
- base.OnPropertyChanged("Customers");
- }
- }
- }
- public Customer SelectedCustomer
- {
- get
- {
- return this.selectedCustomer;
- }
- set
- {
- if (!this.selectedCustomer.Equals(value))
- {
- this.selectedCustomer = value;
- base.OnPropertyChanged("SelectedCustomer");
- }
- }
- }
- }
3. View.
- <UserControl x:Class="WpfApplication1.View.CustomerView"
- xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
- xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
- xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"
- xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"
- xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:WpfApplication1.ViewModel"
- mc:Ignorable="d"
- Height="308.072"
- Width="457.399">
- <UserControl.DataContext>
- <vm:CustomerViewModel/>
- </UserControl.DataContext>
- <Grid>
- <ComboBox HorizontalAlignment="Left"
- Margin="45,47,0,0"
- VerticalAlignment="Top"
- Width=""
- Height=""
- ItemsSource="{Binding Customers}"
- SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedCustomer}"
- DisplayMemberPath="Name"/>
- <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left"
- Margin="212,52,0,0"
- TextWrapping="Wrap"
- Text="{Binding SelectedCustomer.Age}"
- VerticalAlignment="Top"
- Height=""
- Width="" />
- </Grid>
- </UserControl>
- <TextBlock Text="Example 1" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
- <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding MyStringOptions}" Grid.Column="" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedOption1}" Margin=""/>
- <TextBlock Text="{Binding SelectedOption1}" Grid.Column="" Margin="10,5,5,0" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
- <TextBlock Grid.Row="" Text="Example 2" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
- <ComboBox Grid.Row="" Grid.Column="" ItemsSource="{Binding MyClassOptions}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedClass}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" Margin=""/>
- <TextBlock Grid.Row="" Grid.Column="" Margin="10,5,5,0" VerticalAlignment="Center"><Run Text="{Binding SelectedClass.Name}"/><Run Text=" - "/><Run Text="{Binding SelectedClass.Age}"/></TextBlock>
- <TextBlock Grid.Row="" Text="Example 3" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
- <ComboBox Grid.Row="" Grid.Column="" ItemsSource="{Binding MyClassOptions}" SelectedValuePath="Age" SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedAge}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" Margin=""/>
- <TextBlock Grid.Row="" Grid.Column="" Margin="10,5,5,0" VerticalAlignment="Center"><Run Text="Selected age: "/><Run Text="{Binding SelectedAge}"/></TextBlock>
- <TextBlock Grid.Row="" Text="Example 4" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
- <ComboBox Grid.Row="" Grid.Column="" ItemsSource="{Binding MyClassOptions}" SelectedValuePath="Age" SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedAge}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource Example4ItemTemplate}" Margin=""/>
- <TextBlock Grid.Row="" Grid.Column="" Margin="10,5,5,0" VerticalAlignment="Center"><Run Text="Selected age: "/><Run Text="{Binding SelectedAge}"/></TextBlock>
另外,还可以binding ComboBox 到 enum 和 dictionary
绑定到 Enum
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