
Downloading Kubernetes

You can either build a release from sources or download a pre-built release. If you do not plan on developing Kubernetes itself, we suggest a pre-built release.

Prebuilt Binary Release

The list of binary releases is available for download from the GitHub Kubernetes repo release page.

Download the latest release and unpack this tar file on Linux or OS X, cd to the created kubernetes/ directory, and then follow the getting started guide for your cloud.

On OS X you can also use the homebrew package manager: brew install kubernetes-cli

Building from source

Get the Kubernetes source. If you are simply building a release from source there is no need to set up a full golang environment as all building happens in a Docker container.

Building a release is simple.

git clone https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.git
cd kubernetes
make release

For more details on the release process see the build/ directory

Download Kubernetes and automatically set up a default cluster

The bash script at https://get.k8s.io, which can be run with wget or curl, automatically downloads Kubernetes, and provisions a cluster based on your desired cloud provider.

# wget version
export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=YOUR_PROVIDER; wget -q -O - https://get.k8s.io | bash # curl version
export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=YOUR_PROVIDER; curl -sS https://get.k8s.io | bash

Possible values for YOUR_PROVIDER include:

  • gce - Google Compute Engine [default]
  • gke - Google Container Engine
  • aws - Amazon EC2
  • azure - Microsoft Azure
  • vagrant - Vagrant (on local virtual machines)
  • vsphere - VMWare VSphere
  • rackspace - Rackspace

For the complete, up-to-date list of providers supported by this script, see the /cluster folder in the main Kubernetes repo, where each folder represents a possible value for YOUR_PROVIDER. If you don’t see your desired provider, try looking at our getting started guides; there’s a good chance we have docs for them.


  1. Kubernetes 学习笔记(一):基础概念

    个人笔记,仅本人查阅使用,不保证正确. 零.微服务 微服务架构专注于应用解耦合,通过将应用彻底地组件化和服务化,每个微服务只包含一个非常小的功能,比如权限管理.日志收集等等.由这一组微服务组合起来,提 ...

  2. Kubernetes学习笔记(八):Deployment--声明式的升级应用

    概述 本文核心问题是:如何升级应用. 对于Pod的更新有两种策略: 一是删除全部旧Pod之后再创建新Pod.好处是,同一时间只会有一个版本的应用存在:缺点是,应用有一段时间不可用. 二是先创建新Pod ...

  3. Kubernetes学习笔记(四):服务

    服务介绍 服务是一种为一组相同功能的pod提供单一不变接入点的资源.当服务存在时,他的IP和端口不会改变.客户端通过IP和端口建立连接,这些连接会被路由到任何一个pod上.如此,客户端不需要知道每个单 ...

  4. Kubernetes学习笔记之认识Kubernetes组件

    前言:笔记知识点来源于Kubernetes官方文档说明,链接:https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/components/ ,本记录仅仅是学习笔记记 ...

  5. 深入剖析Kubernetes学习笔记:开篇词(00)

    一.关于Kubernetes初学的疑惑 就在这场因"容器"而起的技术变革中,kubernetes项目已经成为容器技术的事实标准,重新定义了基础设置领域对应用编排与管理的种种可能 1 ...

  6. kubernetes学习笔记(二)——部署服务

    文章目录 (1)创建app (2)创建app的docker镜像 (3)部署app到k8s (4)参考资料 前面一篇文章部署好了minikube环境,这次学习下怎么部署app到kubernetes环境当 ...

  7. kubernetes学习笔记(一)——minikube安装记录

    想学习一下kubernetes,于是先安装一个单机版来学习一下.但是就是这个最简单的单机版安装方式都倒腾了我好久,记录下自己的安装过程.博主是在windows利用vmware workstation安 ...

  8. Kubernetes 学习笔记(二):本地部署一个 kubernetes 集群

    前言 前面用到过的 minikube 只是一个单节点的 k8s 集群,这对于学习而言是不够的.我们需要有一个多节点集群,才能用到各种调度/监控功能.而且单节点只能是一个加引号的"集群&quo ...

  9. 【Kubernetes学习笔记】-使用Minikube快速部署K8S单机学习环境

    介绍 https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/ Minikube 用于快速在本地搭建 Kubernetes 单节点集群环境,它对硬件资源没有太高的要求,方便开发人员学习试用 ...

  10. 【Kubernetes学习笔记】-服务访问之 IP & Port & Endpoint 辨析

    目录 不同类型的IP Pod IP Cluster IP 不同类型的Port port nodePort TargetPort containerPort hostPort Endpoint Endp ...


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