
There is a rectangular room, covered with square tiles. Each tile is colored either red or black. A man is standing on a black tile. From a tile, he can move to one of four adjacent tiles. But he can't move on red tiles, he can
move only on black tiles.

Write a program to count the number of black tiles which he can reach by repeating the moves described above.


The input consists of multiple data sets. A data set starts with a line containing two positive integers W and H; W and H are the numbers of tiles in the x- and y- directions, respectively. W and H are not more than 20.

There are H more lines in the data set, each of which includes W characters. Each character represents the color of a tile as follows.

'.' - a black tile

'#' - a red tile

'@' - a man on a black tile(appears exactly once in a data set)

The end of the input is indicated by a line consisting of two zeros.


For each data set, your program should output a line which contains the number of tiles he can reach from the initial tile (including itself).

Sample Input

  1. 6 9
  2. ....#.
  3. .....#
  4. ......
  5. ......
  6. ......
  7. ......
  8. ......
  9. #@...#
  10. .#..#.
  11. 11 9
  12. .#.........
  13. .#.#######.
  14. .#.#.....#.
  15. .#.#.###.#.
  16. .#.#..@#.#.
  17. .#.#####.#.
  18. .#.......#.
  19. .#########.
  20. ...........
  21. 11 6
  22. ..#..#..#..
  23. ..#..#..#..
  24. ..#..#..###
  25. ..#..#..#@.
  26. ..#..#..#..
  27. ..#..#..#..
  28. 7 7
  29. ..#.#..
  30. ..#.#..
  31. ###.###
  32. ...@...
  33. ###.###
  34. ..#.#..
  35. ..#.#..
  36. 0 0

Sample Output

  1. 45
  2. 59
  3. 6
  4. 13
  6. 思路:使用递归,对@所在的位置四个方向查找,一直到不满足条件h>=n||l>=m||h<0||l<0||str[h][l]=='#'||boo[h][l]==1为止。。。
  8. #include <iostream>
  9. #include <string>
  10. #include<algorithm>    //头文件
  11. using namespace std;
  12. bool boo[25][25];
  13. string str[21];
  14. int jishu=0;
  15. int m,n,h=0,l=0;//h为行,l为列
  16. void search(int h,int l)
  17. {
  18.  if(h>=n||l>=m||h<0||l<0||str[h][l]=='#'||boo[h][l]==1)  //此处如果没有||boo[h][l]==1就会死循环,但是却不显示一直进行,而是程序莫名其妙的结束,以后注意!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19.   return ;
  20.  boo[h][l]=1;
  21.  jishu++;
  23. search(h,l-1);
  24.  search(h,l+1);
  25.  search(h-1,l);
  26.  search(h+1,l);
  27. }
  28. int main()
  29. {
  30.  int i,j;
  31.  cin>>m>>n;//m是一个字符串的长度 n是字符串数目
  32.  while(m!=0&&n!=0)
  33.  { jishu=0;
  34.        h=0,l=0;
  35.   for(i=0;i<n;i++)
  36.   {
  37.    cin>>str[i];
  38.    for(j=0;j<m;j++)
  39.     if(str[i][j]=='@')
  40.     { 
  41.      h=i;
  42.      l=j;
  43.     }
  44.   }
  45.   memset(boo,0,25*25);
  46.   search(h,l);
  47.   cout<<jishu<<endl;
  48.   cin>>m>>n;
  49.  }
  50.  return 0;
  51. }

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