
An unexpected exception occurred while creating a change object. see the error log for more details



http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6465127/rename-android-package-name-fails/15771033#15771033     (注意:这个解决办法不是该贴的被采纳的答案)

解决办法   :

You can not belive this. I have exactly the same problem and is because I comment a class entirely. 
So I think that when eclipse try to change the package name of a commented class it throw this error.
To solve the problem you only has to delete the class or uncomment it.


博主遇到了同样的问题 困扰了很久,今天看到这篇文章解决了问题,特意转载过来,仅供学习。

原文链接 : http://www.cnblogs.com/tony-yang-flutter/p/3524256.html

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