If you execute SP in the Oracle client and got the error like this:

oracle.xdo.XDOException:   oracle.xdo.XDOException:   oracle.xdo.dataengine.datasource.plugin.DataAccessException:   java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: 数字或值错误 : character string buffer too   small ORA-06512: 在   "FAISOWNER_SIT.PROFITLOSSREP_DG_PACK", line 1007 ORA-06512: 在   "FAISOWNER_SIT.AMRETURNREP_DG_PACK", line 810 ORA-06512: 在   "FAISOWNER_SIT.AMRETURNREP_DG_PACK", line 1058

Maybe it’s the language problem.

Execute this SQL:

select userenv('language') from dual


open regedit Commend,

find path “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE\KEY_OraClient11g_home1”

find the key is “NLS_LANG”, change name is “AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8”

In the CMD window:


C:\Users\>echo %NLS_LANG%


C:\Users\>"C:\Users\software\Toad   for Oracle 10.6\Toad.exe"

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