
  1. 新建一个继承自SQLiteOpenHelper的数据库操作类,提示重写onCreate和OnUpgraed两个方法。其中,onCreate方法只在第一次打开数据库时执行,在此可进行表结构创建的操作;onUpgrade方法在数据库版本升高时执行,因此可以在onUpgraed函数内部根据新旧版本号进行表结构变更处理
  2. 封装保证数据库安全的必要方法,包括获取单例对象、打开数据库连接、关闭数据库连接
    1. 获取单例对象:确保App运行时数据库只被打开一次,避免重复打开引起错误
    2. 打开数据库连接:SQLite有锁机制,即读锁和写锁的处理;故而数据库连接也分两种,读连接可调用getReadableDatabase,写连接可调用getWritableDatabase
    3. 关闭数据库连接:数据库操作完毕后,应当调用SQLiteDatabase对象的close方法关闭连接
  3. 提供对表记录进行增加、删除、修改、查询的操作方法
    1. 可被SQLite直接使用的数据结构是ContentValues类,类似于映射Map,提供put和get方法来存取键值对。
    2. 对于查询操作来说,使用的是另一个游标类Cursor。调用SQLiteDatabase的query和rawQuery方法时,返回的都是Cursor对象,因此获取查询结果要根据游标的指示一条一条遍历结果集合。


  1. 游标控制类方法,用于指定游标的状态

    1. close:关闭游标
    2. isClosed:判断游标是否关闭
    3. isFirst:判断游标是否在开头
    4. isLast:判断游标是否在末尾
  2. 游标移动类方法,把游标移动到指定位置
    1. moveToFirst:移动游标到开头
    2. moveToLast:移动游标到末尾
    3. moveToNext:移动游标到下一条记录
    4. moveToPrevious:移动游标到上一条记录
    5. move:往后移动游标若干条记录
    6. moveToPosition:移动游标到指定位置的记录
  3. 获取记录类方法,可获取记录的数量、类型以及取值
    1. getCount:获取结果记录的数量
    2. getInt:获取指定字段的整型值
    3. getFloat
    4. getString
    5. getType
  1. public class MyDatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
  2. private static final String TAG = "MyDatabaseHelper";
  3. private static final String DB_NAME = "myDB.db";
  4. private static final int DB_VERSION = 1;
  5. private static MyDatabaseHelper mHelper = null;
  6. private SQLiteDatabase mDB = null;
  7. private static final String TABLE_NAME = "my_info";
  8. private MyDatabaseHelper(Context context) {
  9. super(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION);
  10. }
  11. private MyDatabaseHelper(Context context, int version) {
  12. super(context, DB_NAME, null, version);
  13. }
  14. /**
  15. * 获取实例--单例模式
  16. * @param context
  17. * @param version
  18. * @return
  19. */
  20. public static MyDatabaseHelper getInstance(Context context, int version) {
  21. if (version > 0 && mHelper == null) {
  22. mHelper = new MyDatabaseHelper(context, version);
  23. } else if (mHelper == null) {
  24. mHelper = new MyDatabaseHelper(context);
  25. }
  26. return mHelper;
  27. }
  28. /**
  29. * 获得数据库 读 连接
  30. * @return
  31. */
  32. public SQLiteDatabase openReadLink() {
  33. if (mDB == null || mDB.isOpen() != true) {
  34. mDB = mHelper.getReadableDatabase();
  35. }
  36. return mDB;
  37. }
  38. /**
  39. * 获得数据库 写 连接
  40. * @return
  41. */
  42. public SQLiteDatabase openWriteLink() {
  43. if (mDB == null || mDB.isOpen() != true) {
  44. mDB = mHelper.getWritableDatabase();
  45. }
  46. return mDB;
  47. }
  48. /**
  49. * 关闭连接
  50. */
  51. public void closeLink() {
  52. if (mDB != null && mDB.isOpen() == true) {
  53. mDB.close();
  54. mDB = null;
  55. }
  56. }
  57. /**
  58. * 获取数据库名称
  59. * @return
  60. */
  61. public String getDBName() {
  62. if (mHelper != null) {
  63. return mHelper.getDatabaseName();
  64. } else {
  65. return DB_NAME;
  66. }
  67. }
  68. @Override
  69. public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
  70. // 构建调用时打印sql日志
  71. Log.d(TAG, "onCreate");
  72. // 清空表数据
  73. String drop_sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_NAME + ";";
  74. Log.d(TAG, "drop_sql:" + drop_sql);
  75. // 执行sql
  76. db.execSQL(drop_sql);
  77. // 新建表
  78. String create_sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE_NAME + " ("
  80. + "name VARCHAR NOT NULL," + "age INTEGER NOT NULL,"
  81. + "height LONG NOT NULL," + "weight FLOAT NOT NULL,"
  82. + "married INTEGER NOT NULL," + "update_time VARCHAR NOT NULL"
  83. //演示数据库升级时要先把下面这行注释
  84. + ",phone VARCHAR" + ",password VARCHAR"
  85. + ");";
  86. Log.d(TAG, "create_sql:" + create_sql);
  87. // 执行sql
  88. db.execSQL(create_sql);
  89. }
  90. /**
  91. * 数据库升级操作
  92. * @param db
  93. * @param oldVersion
  94. * @param newVersion
  95. */
  96. @Override
  97. public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
  98. Log.d(TAG, "onUpgrade oldVersion="+oldVersion+", newVersion="+newVersion);
  99. if (newVersion > 1) {
  100. //Android的ALTER命令不支持一次添加多列,只能分多次添加
  101. String alter_sql = "ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " ADD COLUMN " + "phone VARCHAR;";
  102. Log.d(TAG, "alter_sql:" + alter_sql);
  103. db.execSQL(alter_sql);
  104. alter_sql = "ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " ADD COLUMN " + "password VARCHAR;";
  105. Log.d(TAG, "alter_sql:" + alter_sql);
  106. db.execSQL(alter_sql);
  107. }
  108. }
  109. public int delete(String condition) {
  110. int count = mDB.delete(TABLE_NAME, condition, null);
  111. return count;
  112. }
  113. public int deleteAll() {
  114. int count = mDB.delete(TABLE_NAME, "1=1", null);
  115. return count;
  116. }
  117. public long insert(UserInfo info) {
  118. ArrayList<UserInfo> infoArray = new ArrayList<UserInfo>();
  119. infoArray.add(info);
  120. return insert(infoArray);
  121. }
  122. public long insert(ArrayList<UserInfo> infoArray) {
  123. long result = -1;
  124. for (int i = 0; i < infoArray.size(); i++) {
  125. UserInfo info = infoArray.get(i);
  126. ArrayList<UserInfo> tempArray = new ArrayList<UserInfo>();
  127. // 如果存在同名记录,则更新记录
  128. // 注意条件语句的等号后面要用单引号括起来
  129. if (info.name!=null && info.name.length()>0) {
  130. String condition = String.format("name='%s'", info.name);
  131. tempArray = query(condition);
  132. if (tempArray.size() > 0) {
  133. update(info, condition);
  134. result = tempArray.get(0).rowid;
  135. continue;
  136. }
  137. }
  138. // 如果存在同样的手机号码,则更新记录
  139. if (info.phone!=null && info.phone.length()>0) {
  140. String condition = String.format("phone='%s'", info.phone);
  141. tempArray = query(condition);
  142. if (tempArray.size() > 0) {
  143. update(info, condition);
  144. result = tempArray.get(0).rowid;
  145. continue;
  146. }
  147. }
  148. // 不存在唯一性重复的记录,则插入新记录
  149. ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
  150. cv.put("name", info.name);
  151. cv.put("age", info.age);
  152. cv.put("height", info.height);
  153. cv.put("weight", info.weight);
  154. cv.put("married", info.married);
  155. cv.put("update_time", info.update_time);
  156. cv.put("phone", info.phone);
  157. cv.put("password", info.password);
  158. result = mDB.insert(TABLE_NAME, "", cv);
  159. // 添加成功后返回行号,失败后返回-1
  160. if (result == -1) {
  161. return result;
  162. }
  163. }
  164. return result;
  165. }
  166. public int update(UserInfo info, String condition) {
  167. ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
  168. cv.put("name", info.name);
  169. cv.put("age", info.age);
  170. cv.put("height", info.height);
  171. cv.put("weight", info.weight);
  172. cv.put("married", info.married);
  173. cv.put("update_time", info.update_time);
  174. cv.put("phone", info.phone);
  175. cv.put("password", info.password);
  176. int count = mDB.update(TABLE_NAME, cv, condition, null);
  177. return count;
  178. }
  179. public int update(UserInfo info) {
  180. return update(info, "rowid="+info.rowid);
  181. }
  182. public ArrayList<UserInfo> query(String condition) {
  183. String sql = String.format("select rowid,_id,name,age,height,weight,married,update_time," +
  184. "phone,password from %s where %s;", TABLE_NAME, condition);
  185. Log.d(TAG, "query sql: "+sql);
  186. ArrayList<UserInfo> infoArray = new ArrayList<UserInfo>();
  187. // 获得游标对象
  188. Cursor cursor = mDB.rawQuery(sql, null);
  189. if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
  190. for (;; cursor.moveToNext()) {
  191. UserInfo info = new UserInfo();
  192. info.rowid = cursor.getLong(0);
  193. info.xuhao = cursor.getInt(1);
  194. info.name = cursor.getString(2);
  195. info.age = cursor.getInt(3);
  196. info.height = cursor.getLong(4);
  197. info.weight = cursor.getFloat(5);
  198. //SQLite没有布尔型,用0表示false,用1表示true
  199. info.married = (cursor.getInt(6)==0)?false:true;
  200. info.update_time = cursor.getString(7);
  201. info.phone = cursor.getString(8);
  202. info.password = cursor.getString(9);
  203. infoArray.add(info);
  204. if (cursor.isLast() == true) {
  205. break;
  206. }
  207. }
  208. }
  209. cursor.close();
  210. return infoArray;
  211. }
  212. }
  1. public class UserInfo {
  2. public long rowid;
  3. public int xuhao;
  4. public String name;
  5. public int age;
  6. public long height;
  7. public float weight;
  8. public boolean married;
  9. public String update_time;
  10. public String phone;
  11. public String password;
  12. public UserInfo() {
  13. rowid = 0l;
  14. xuhao = 0;
  15. name = "";
  16. age = 0;
  17. height = 0l;
  18. weight = 0.0f;
  19. married = false;
  20. update_time = "";
  21. phone = "";
  22. password2 = "";
  23. }
  24. }


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