

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-
import ansible.runner
runner = ansible.runner.Runner(
host_list = 'ip.txt', #指定主机文件
remote_user = 'admin', #指定远程执行用户
module_name = 'shell', #使用ansible的shell
module_args = 'echo 111;sleep 5', #模块参数
pattern = 'test', #主机文件中生效的组
forks = 5, #多进程并发数量
remote_pass = '', #远程执行的密码
#is_playbook= True,
datastructure = runner.run()
print datastructure





# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-

class Runner(object):
''' core API interface to ansible ''' # see bin/ansible for how this is used... def __init__(self,
host_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST, # ex: /etc/ansible/hosts, legacy usage  #初始化默认参数,如果没指定走/etc/ansible/hosts文件
module_path=None, # ex: /usr/share/ansible         #Ansible的路径一般不用写
module_name=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME, # ex: copy                  #模块名字必须指定
module_args=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_ARGS, # ex: "src=/tmp/a dest=/tmp/b" #模块的参数,对应了ansible命令行中的-a后面带的内容
forks=C.DEFAULT_FORKS, # parallelism level
     #进程的数目,如果你填入了20,它会判断你的list_hosts里面是否有20个IP,没有的话根据主机的数量来派生进程,如果多的话,就用multiprocess的pool进程池来调用 timeout=C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, # SSH timeout #SSH的超时时间
pattern=C.DEFAULT_PATTERN, # which hosts? ex: 'all', 'acme.example.org'#指定hostfile文件中执行的分组
remote_user=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER, # ex: 'username' #远程执行的用户
remote_pass=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PASS, # ex: 'password123' or None if using key #远程执行的密码
remote_port=None, # if SSH on different ports #远程执行的端口,如果ssh端口被变更过的话
private_key_file=C.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, # if not using keys/passwords #自钥地址,用来秘钥验证的
background=0, # async poll every X seconds, else 0 for non-async #0代表不异步,其余数代表多少秒后根据任务id去取数据
basedir=None, # directory of playbook, if applicable #指定playbook的存放目录
setup_cache=None, # used to share fact data w/ other tasks #用于与其他任务共享实时数据
vars_cache=None, # used to store variables about hosts #存储有关主机的变量
transport=C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT, # 'ssh', 'paramiko', 'local' #3种传输模式,ssh,paramiko,local
conditional='True', # run only if this fact expression evals to true #状态的判断,
callbacks=None, # used for output #指定回调输出
module_vars=None, # a playbooks internals thing #playbooks内部的东西
play_vars=None, # #和playbook相关的变量
play_file_vars=None, #
role_vars=None, #
role_params=None, #
default_vars=None, # #默认变量
extra_vars=None, # extra vars specified with he playbook(s)#playbook指定额外的变量
is_playbook=False, # running from playbook or not? #是否以playbook运行
inventory=None, # reference to Inventory object #引用inventory对象
subset=None, # subset pattern #子集模式
check=False, # don't make any changes, just try to probe for potential changes #不做任何改变,仅仅尝试
diff=False, # whether to show diffs for template files that change #是否显示更改的模板文件差异
environment=None, # environment variables (as dict) to use inside the command #环境变量以字典方式传递进来
complex_args=None, # structured data in addition to module_args, must be a dict #结构化数据,参数
error_on_undefined_vars=C.DEFAULT_UNDEFINED_VAR_BEHAVIOR, # ex. False
accelerate=False, # use accelerated connection #使用加速ssh连接
accelerate_ipv6=False, # accelerated connection w/ IPv6
accelerate_port=None, # port to use with accelerated connection #使用加速连接使用的端口
run_hosts=None, # an optional list of pre-calculated hosts to run on #要运行的预计算的主机列表
no_log=False, # option to enable/disable logging for a given task #是否开启任务日志
run_once=False, # option to enable/disable host bypass loop for a given task
become=False, # whether to run privelege escalation or not #是否运行特权升级sudo
become_user=C.DEFAULT_BECOME_USER, # ex: 'root' #sudo用户
become_pass=C.DEFAULT_BECOME_PASS, # ex: 'password123' or None #sudo密码
become_exe=C.DEFAULT_BECOME_EXE, # ex: /usr/local/bin/sudo #sudo命令行
): # used to lock multiprocess inputs and outputs at various levels
self.output_lockfile = OUTPUT_LOCKFILE #输出文件锁
self.process_lockfile = PROCESS_LOCKFILE #进程锁 if not complex_args: #为空的话初始化为空字典
complex_args = {} # storage & defaults
self.check = check
self.diff = diff
self.setup_cache = utils.default(setup_cache, lambda: ansible.cache.FactCache())
self.vars_cache = utils.default(vars_cache, lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict))
self.basedir = utils.default(basedir, lambda: os.getcwd())
self.callbacks = utils.default(callbacks, lambda: DefaultRunnerCallbacks())
self.generated_jid = str(random.randint(0, 999999999999))
self.transport = transport
self.inventory = utils.default(inventory, lambda: ansible.inventory.Inventory(host_list))
# utils.default详细见下方的备注执行lambda函数,self.inventory就是Inventory对象,初始化通过host_list来执行,这个对象下包含了主机信息以及各种变量
self.module_vars = utils.default(module_vars, lambda: {})
self.play_vars = utils.default(play_vars, lambda: {})
self.play_file_vars = utils.default(play_file_vars, lambda: {})
self.role_vars = utils.default(role_vars, lambda: {})
self.role_params = utils.default(role_params, lambda: {})
self.default_vars = utils.default(default_vars, lambda: {})
self.extra_vars = utils.default(extra_vars, lambda: {}) self.always_run = None
self.connector = connection.Connector(self)
self.conditional = conditional
self.delegate_to = None
self.module_name = module_name
self.forks = int(forks)
self.pattern = pattern
self.module_args = module_args
self.timeout = timeout
self.remote_user = remote_user
self.remote_pass = remote_pass
self.remote_port = remote_port
self.private_key_file = private_key_file
self.background = background
self.become = become
self.become_method = become_method
self.become_user_var = become_user
self.become_user = None
self.become_pass = become_pass
self.become_exe = become_exe
self.is_playbook = is_playbook
self.environment = environment
self.complex_args = complex_args
self.error_on_undefined_vars = error_on_undefined_vars
self.accelerate = accelerate
self.accelerate_port = accelerate_port
self.accelerate_ipv6 = accelerate_ipv6
self.callbacks.runner = self
self.omit_token = '__omit_place_holder__%s' % sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()
self.vault_pass = vault_pass
self.no_log = no_log
self.run_once = run_once if self.transport == 'smart':
       # 判断传输模式,确定最后是否使用paramiko,ansible1.2.1/1.3版本里面有smart的东西,前向兼容
# If the transport is 'smart', check to see if certain conditions
# would prevent us from using ssh, and fallback to paramiko.
# 'smart' is the default since 1.2.1/1.3
self.transport = "ssh"
       #判断系统平台和远程执行密码来确定传输模式 if sys.platform.startswith('darwin') and self.remote_pass:
# due to a current bug in sshpass on OSX, which can trigger
# a kernel panic even for non-privileged users, we revert to
# paramiko on that OS when a SSH password is specified
self.transport = "paramiko"
# see if SSH can support ControlPersist if not use paramiko #执行命令ssh -o ControlPersist加速模式,确定传输模式
cmd = subprocess.Popen(['ssh','-o','ControlPersist'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(out, err) = cmd.communicate()
if "Bad configuration option" in err:
self.transport = "paramiko" # save the original transport, in case it gets
# changed later via options like accelerate
self.original_transport = self.transport # misc housekeeping
if subset and self.inventory._subset is None:
# don't override subset when passed from playbook
self.inventory.subset(subset) # If we get a pre-built list of hosts to run on, from say a playbook, use them.
# Also where we will store the hosts to run on once discovered
self.run_hosts = run_hosts if self.transport == 'local':
self.remote_user = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0]
if module_path is not None:
for i in module_path.split(os.pathsep):
utils.plugins.module_finder.add_directory(i) utils.plugins.push_basedir(self.basedir) # ensure we are using unique tmp paths
# 初始化基本随机数生成器
# *****************************************************


def default(value, function):
''' syntactic sugar around lazy evaluation of defaults '''
if value is None:
return function()
return value

(2) ansible.inventory.Inventory(host_list)原理剖析(假设都按照最上面的例子来传递,则host_list=ip.txt)


class Inventory(object):
Host inventory for ansible.
""" __slots__ = [ 'host_list', 'groups', '_restriction', '_also_restriction', '_subset',
'parser', '_vars_per_host', '_vars_per_group', '_hosts_cache', '_groups_list',
'_pattern_cache', '_vault_password', '_vars_plugins', '_playbook_basedir'] def __init__(self, host_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST, vault_password=None): # the host file file, or script path, or list of hosts
# if a list, inventory data will NOT be loaded
self.host_list = host_list
# 文件名传递进去
self._vault_password=vault_password # caching to avoid repeated calculations, particularly with
# external inventory scripts. self._vars_per_host = {}
self._vars_per_group = {}
self._hosts_cache = {}
self._groups_list = {}
self._pattern_cache = {} # to be set by calling set_playbook_basedir by playbook code
self._playbook_basedir = None # the inventory object holds a list of groups
self.groups = [] # a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
self._restriction = None
self._also_restriction = None
self._subset = None
# 判断host_list是不是字符串类型
if isinstance(host_list, basestring):
if "," in host_list:
host_list = host_list.split(",")
host_list = [ h for h in host_list if h and h.strip() ]
if host_list is None:
self.parser = None
elif isinstance(host_list, list):
self.parser = None
all = Group('all')
self.groups = [ all ]
ipv6_re = re.compile('\[([a-f:A-F0-9]*[%[0-z]+]?)\](?::(\d+))?')
for x in host_list:
m = ipv6_re.match(x)
if m:
all.add_host(Host(m.groups()[0], m.groups()[1]))
if ":" in x:
tokens = x.rsplit(":", 1)
# if there is ':' in the address, then this is an ipv6
if ':' in tokens[0]:
all.add_host(Host(tokens[0], tokens[1]))
# 判断host_list文件是否存在,将IP筛选出来
elif os.path.exists(host_list):
if os.path.isdir(host_list):
# Ensure basedir is inside the directory判断是否是目录
self.host_list = os.path.join(self.host_list, "")
self.parser = InventoryDirectory(filename=host_list)
self.groups = self.parser.groups.values()
# check to see if the specified file starts with a 如果是文件的话执行如下流程
# shebang (#!/), so if an error is raised by the parser
# class we can show a more apropos error
shebang_present = False
inv_file = open(host_list)
first_line = inv_file.readlines()[0]
if first_line.startswith('#!'):
shebang_present = True
if utils.is_executable(host_list):
self.parser = InventoryScript(filename=host_list)
self.groups = self.parser.groups.values()
if not shebang_present:
raise errors.AnsibleError("The file %s is marked as executable, but failed to execute correctly. " % host_list + \
"If this is not supposed to be an executable script, correct this with `chmod -x %s`." % host_list)
self.parser = InventoryParser(filename=host_list)
self.groups = self.parser.groups.values()
if shebang_present:
raise errors.AnsibleError("The file %s looks like it should be an executable inventory script, but is not marked executable. " % host_list + \
"Perhaps you want to correct this with `chmod +x %s`?" % host_list)
raise utils.plugins.vars_loader.add_directory(self.basedir(), with_subdir=True)
raise errors.AnsibleError("Unable to find an inventory file, specify one with -i ?")
# 获取插件变量
self._vars_plugins = [ x for x in utils.plugins.vars_loader.all(self) ] # get group vars from group_vars/ files and vars plugins获取组变量
for group in self.groups:
group.vars = utils.combine_vars(group.vars, self.get_group_variables(group.name, vault_password=self._vault_password)) # get host vars from host_vars/ files and vars plugins获取主机变量
for host in self.get_hosts():
host.vars = utils.combine_vars(host.vars, self.get_host_variables(host.name, vault_password=self._vault_password))


class InventoryScript(object):
''' Host inventory parser for ansible using external inventory scripts. ''' def __init__(self, filename=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST): # Support inventory scripts that are not prefixed with some
# path information but happen to be in the current working
# directory when '.' is not in PATH.
self.filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
cmd = [ self.filename, "--list" ]
# 检测主机文件是否存在
sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError, e:
raise errors.AnsibleError("problem running %s (%s)" % (' '.join(cmd), e))
(stdout, stderr) = sp.communicate() if sp.returncode != 0:
raise errors.AnsibleError("Inventory script (%s) had an execution error: %s " % (filename,stderr)) self.data = stdout
# see comment about _meta below
self.host_vars_from_top = None
# 错误信息处理
self.groups = self._parse(stderr) def _parse(self, err): all_hosts = {} # not passing from_remote because data from CMDB is trusted
self.raw = utils.parse_json(self.data)
self.raw = json_dict_bytes_to_unicode(self.raw) all = Group('all')
groups = dict(all=all)
group = None if 'failed' in self.raw:
sys.stderr.write(err + "\n")
raise errors.AnsibleError("failed to parse executable inventory script results: %s" % self.raw) for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items(): # in Ansible 1.3 and later, a "_meta" subelement may contain
# a variable "hostvars" which contains a hash for each host
# if this "hostvars" exists at all then do not call --host for each
# host. This is for efficiency and scripts should still return data
# if called with --host for backwards compat with 1.2 and earlier. if group_name == '_meta':
if 'hostvars' in data:
self.host_vars_from_top = data['hostvars']
continue if group_name != all.name:
group = groups[group_name] = Group(group_name)
group = all
host = None if not isinstance(data, dict):
data = {'hosts': data}
# is not those subkeys, then simplified syntax, host with vars
elif not any(k in data for k in ('hosts','vars','children')):
data = {'hosts': [group_name], 'vars': data} if 'hosts' in data:
if not isinstance(data['hosts'], list):
raise errors.AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
"data for the host list:\n %s" % (group_name, data)) for hostname in data['hosts']:
if not hostname in all_hosts:
all_hosts[hostname] = Host(hostname)
host = all_hosts[hostname]
group.add_host(host) if 'vars' in data:
if not isinstance(data['vars'], dict):
raise errors.AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
"data for variables:\n %s" % (group_name, data)) for k, v in data['vars'].iteritems():
if group.name == all.name:
all.set_variable(k, v)
group.set_variable(k, v) # Separate loop to ensure all groups are defined
for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():
if group_name == '_meta':
if isinstance(data, dict) and 'children' in data:
for child_name in data['children']:
if child_name in groups:
groups[group_name].add_child_group(groups[child_name]) for group in groups.values():
if group.depth == 0 and group.name != 'all':
all.add_child_group(group) return groups



def run(self):
''' xfer & run module on all matched hosts ''' # find hosts that match the pattern
# 通过pattern找到host_list中的主机信息
if not self.run_hosts:
self.run_hosts = self.inventory.list_hosts(self.pattern)
# 通过self.pattern找到list_hosts的json字段,获取内容
hosts = self.run_hosts
# 如果主机数量是0的话,callback回调,内容是空字典
if len(hosts) == 0:
return dict(contacted={}, dark={})
# 把实例赋值给全局变量multiprocessing_runner
global multiprocessing_runner
multiprocessing_runner = self
results = None # Check if this is an action plugin. Some of them are designed
# to be ran once per group of hosts. Example module: pause,
# run once per hostgroup, rather than pausing once per each
# host.
     # p呢就是根据module_name找出要执行的相应模块插件
p = utils.plugins.action_loader.get(self.module_name, self)

     # 进程数量优化
if self.forks == 0 or self.forks > len(hosts):
self.forks = len(hosts) if (p and (getattr(p, 'BYPASS_HOST_LOOP', None)) or self.run_once): # Expose the current hostgroup to the bypassing plugins
self.host_set = hosts
# We aren't iterating over all the hosts in this
# group. So, just choose the "delegate_to" host if that is defined and is
# one of the targeted hosts, otherwise pick the first host in our group to
# construct the conn object with.
if self.delegate_to is not None and self.delegate_to in hosts:
host = self.delegate_to
host = hosts[0] result_data = self._executor(host, None).result
# Create a ResultData item for each host in this group
# using the returned result. If we didn't do this we would
# get false reports of dark hosts.
results = [ ReturnData(host=h, result=result_data, comm_ok=True) \
for h in hosts ]
del self.host_set elif self.forks > 1:
          # 调用_parallel_exec函数去跑结果
results = self._parallel_exec(hosts)
except IOError, ie:
print ie.errno
if ie.errno == 32:
# broken pipe from Ctrl+C
raise errors.AnsibleError("interrupted")
results = [ self._executor(h, None) for h in hosts ] return self._partition_results(results)


def _parallel_exec(self, hosts):
''' handles mulitprocessing when more than 1 fork is required ''' manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
job_queue = manager.Queue()
for host in hosts:
result_queue = manager.Queue() try:
fileno = sys.stdin.fileno()
except ValueError:
fileno = None workers = []
for i in range(self.forks):
new_stdin = None
if fileno is not None:
new_stdin = os.fdopen(os.dup(fileno))
except OSError, e:
# couldn't dupe stdin, most likely because it's
# not a valid file descriptor, so we just rely on
# using the one that was passed in
prc = multiprocessing.Process(target=_executor_hook,
args=(job_queue, result_queue, new_stdin))
       #把每个进程放到workers列表里 try:
for worker in workers:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
for worker in workers:
results = []
while not result_queue.empty():
except socket.error:
raise errors.AnsibleError("<interrupted>")
return results


def _executor_hook(job_queue, result_queue, new_stdin):

    # attempt workaround of https://github.com/newsapps/beeswithmachineguns/issues/17
# this function also not present in CentOS 6
atfork() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
while not job_queue.empty():
host = job_queue.get(block=False)
return_data = multiprocessing_runner._executor(host, new_stdin)
except Queue.Empty:

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    目 录 一.硬件要求二.软件三.系统安装注意四.安装Oracle前的系统准备工作五.安装Oracle,并进行相关设置六.升级Oracle到patchset七.使用rlwrap调用sq ...

  7. Git 2.0 更改 push default

    近期更新了git,项目push时会提示这样的信息: warning: push.default 尚未设置,它的默认值在 Git 2.0 已从 'matching' 变更为 'simple'.若要不再显 ...

  8. Python随笔,day1

    #python中不存在单个字符的运算,只有字符串函数 >>> s="www.google.com" >>> s 'www.google.com' ...

  9. 知识点干货—多线程同步【6】之synchronized

    "明日复明日,明日何其多. 我生待明日,万事成蹉跎. 世人若被明日累,春去秋来老将至. 朝看水东流,暮看日西坠. 百年明日能几何?请君听我明日歌. 明日复明日,明日何其多! 日日待明日,万世 ...

  10. css层叠样式初学

    一.css简介 1.层叠样式表:叠加效果,不同css对同一html修饰,冲突部分,优先级高作用,不冲突部分,共同作用 2.css作用 (1)修饰html (2)替代了标签自身的颜色,字号等属性,提高复 ...