566. Reshape the Matrix
In MATLAB, there is a very useful function called 'reshape', which can reshape a matrix into a new one with different size but keep its original data.
Example 1:
nums =
r = 1, c = 4
The row-traversing of nums is [1,2,3,4]. The new reshaped matrix is a 1 * 4 matrix, fill it row by row by using the previous list.
Example 2:
nums =
r = 2, c = 4
There is no way to reshape a 2 * 2 matrix to a 2 * 4 matrix. So output the original matrix.
- The height and width of the given matrix is in range
[1, 100]
. - The given r and c are all positive.
精巧想法是: res[i / c][i % c] = A[i / cc][i % cc];
副产品: vector<vector<int>>vec(m,vector<int>(n,0));
vector<vector<int>> matrixReshape(vector<vector<int>>& A, int r, int c) {
int rr = A.size(), cc = A[0].size();
if (rr * cc != r * c) return A;
vector<vector<int>> res(r, vector<int>(c, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < r * c; i++)
res[i / c][i % c] = A[i / cc][i % cc];
return res;
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