
昨晚耐着性子看完了clr via c#的第29章<<基元线程同步构造>>,尽管这本书不是第一次看了,但是之前看的都是一带而过,没有深入理解,甚至可以说是不理解,实习了之后发现自己的知识原来这么表面,很多的实现都不能做出来,这很大程度上打击了我,而且,春招也快来了,更需要打扎实基础。引起我注意的是jeffrey在第29章说的:使用Interlocked,代码很短,绝不阻塞任何线程,二期使用线程池线程来实现自动伸缩。下载了源码,然后分析了下书中的示例,code如下:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace vlr_via_cs
internal static class AsyncCoordinatorDemo
public static void Go()
const Int32 timeout = ; // Change to desired timeout
MultiWebRequests act = new MultiWebRequests(timeout);
Console.WriteLine("All operations initiated (Timeout={0}). Hit <Enter> to cancel.",
(timeout == Timeout.Infinite) ? "Infinite" : (timeout.ToString() + "ms"));
act.Cancel(); Console.WriteLine();
Console.WriteLine("Hit enter to terminate.");
} private sealed class MultiWebRequests
// This helper class coordinates all the asynchronous operations
private AsyncCoordinator m_ac = new AsyncCoordinator(); // Set of Web servers we want to query & their responses (Exception or Int32)
private Dictionary<String, Object> m_servers = new Dictionary<String, Object> {
{ "http://cjjjs.com/", null },
{ "http://cnblogs.com/", null },
{ "http://www.jobbole.com/", null }
}; public MultiWebRequests(Int32 timeout = Timeout.Infinite)
// Asynchronously initiate all the requests all at once
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
foreach (var server in m_servers.Keys)
m_ac.AboutToBegin(); //确保先做三次加法, 若是有Sleep,在调用完这个函数后,执行
httpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(server).ContinueWith(task => ComputeResult(server, task));
} // Tell AsyncCoordinator that all operations have been initiated and to call
// AllDone when all operations complete, Cancel is called, or the timeout occurs
m_ac.AllBegun(AllDone, timeout);
} private void ComputeResult(String server, Task<Byte[]> task)
Object result;
if (task.Exception != null)
result = task.Exception.InnerException;
// Process I/O completion here on thread pool thread(s)
// Put your own compute-intensive algorithm here...
result = task.Result.Length; // This example just returns the length
} // Save result (exception/sum) and indicate that 1 operation completed
m_servers[server] = result;
} // Calling this method indicates that the results don't matter anymore
public void Cancel() { m_ac.Cancel(); } // This method is called after all Web servers respond,
// Cancel is called, or the timeout occurs
private void AllDone(CoordinationStatus status)
switch (status)
case CoordinationStatus.Cancel:
Console.WriteLine("Operation canceled.");
break; case CoordinationStatus.Timeout:
Console.WriteLine("Operation timed-out.");
break; case CoordinationStatus.AllDone:
Console.WriteLine("Operation completed; results below:");
foreach (var server in m_servers)
Console.Write("{0} ", server.Key);
Object result = server.Value;
if (result is Exception)
Console.WriteLine("failed due to {0}.", result.GetType().Name);
Console.WriteLine("returned {0:N0} bytes.", result);
} private enum CoordinationStatus
}; private sealed class AsyncCoordinator
private Int32 m_opCount = ; // Decremented when AllBegun calls JustEnded
private Int32 m_statusReported = ; // 0=false, 1=true
private Action<CoordinationStatus> m_callback;
private Timer m_timer; // This method MUST be called BEFORE initiating an operation
public void AboutToBegin(Int32 opsToAdd = )
Interlocked.Add(ref m_opCount, opsToAdd);
} // This method MUST be called AFTER an operations result has been processed
public void JustEnded()
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_opCount) == )
} // This method MUST be called AFTER initiating ALL operations
public void AllBegun(Action<CoordinationStatus> callback, Int32 timeout = Timeout.Infinite)
m_callback = callback;
if (timeout != Timeout.Infinite)
// 在指定的时间点(dueTime) 调用回调函数,随后在指定的时间间隔(period)调用回调函数
m_timer = new Timer(TimeExpired, null, timeout, Timeout.Infinite);
} // 处理过时的线程
private void TimeExpired(Object o) {
} public void Cancel()
if (m_callback == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cancel cannot be called before AllBegun");
} private void ReportStatus(CoordinationStatus status)
if (m_timer != null)
{ // If timer is still in play, kill it
Timer timer = Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_timer, null);
if (timer != null) timer.Dispose();
} // If status has never been reported, report it; else ignore it
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_statusReported, ) == )
} class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AsyncCoordinatorDemo.Go(); Console.Read();





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