This morning I got to know that My product DB Query Analyzer had been appoved by, which was a definite good news to me. 

Nearly approximately three months ago, did I start to submit DB Query Analyzer to Unfortunately, I was unable to submit my product and the problem that I met was very curious.  Last week, I began to write EMail or submit the problem I met to  Luckily, I received letters from and they suggest I change my Web browser or OS to recommit DB Query Analyzer. 

At last weekend,  I was entitled to submit DB Query Analyzer successfully.

Here is the letter I recevied this morning which deserves a celebration.

Hello Genfeng,

Congratulations! Your product, Db query analyzer 6.03has been approved for listing on our download sites. If you've also submitted new company information, your company profile will become available as soon as your first product is published.

If you have any questions please check the knowledgebase:

Thank you,

CNET Publisher Services 

The download URL of DB Query Analyzer in  is : 

My product submission has been approved的更多相关文章

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