💈 线程间互访助手类 (EN)
Conmajia © 2012, 2018
Published on August 5th, 2012
Updated on February 2nd, 2019
While working on background threads, you may encounter updating values of frontend GUI controls. Then you probably will face one particular problem: invalid operation between threads. As shown in figure 1, this issue throws an InvalidOperationException
. It occurs every time when accesses properties/methods from other threads but the one which owns them.
In .NET Framework, version 2.0 as I refer, every Control
class contains an InvokeRequired
property and an Invoke
method to accomplish cross-thread operations. Some typical call code is listed below.
public void DoWork() {
if (control.InvokeRequired) {
else {
// do work
My Approach
I wrote a helper class InvokeHelper
which granted me the power to access assets between different threads. The class has 3 methods:
- to call methods of a control.
InvokeHelper.Invoke(<control>, "<method>"[, <param1>[,<param2>,...]]);
- to get properties of a control.
InvokeHelper.Get(<control>, "<property>");
- to set properties of a control.
InvokeHelper.Set(<control>, "<property>", <value>);
In the demo, I used a forever looping background thread (t
) to show how the InvokeHelper
helps threads to interact. Thread t
updates the frontend thread (the GUI) every 500 milliseconds.
Thread t;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(t == null) {
t = new Thread(multithread);
label4.Text = string.Format("Thread state:\n{0}", t.ThreadState.ToString());
public void DoWork(string msg) {
this.label3.Text = string.Format("Invoke method: {0}", msg);
int count = 0;
void multithread() {
while(true) {
InvokeHelper.Set(this.label1, "Text", string.Format("Set value: {0}", count));
InvokeHelper.Set(this.label1, "Tag", count);
string value = InvokeHelper.Get(this.label1, "Tag")
InvokeHelper.Set(this.label2, "Text", string.Format("Get value: {0}", value));
InvokeHelper.Invoke(this, "DoWork", value);
Results shown in animated figure 2. Obviously, the frontend is not blocked despite t
never stops.
Other Approaches
There is a built-in option in the VisualStudio IDE that disables the cross-thread access check: CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls
. I found it slightly slower than my helper class. Figure 3 shows the test result.
The whole procedure of the test is recorded in figure 4. (The video lasts for 8'51")
Source code of the InvokeHelper
is listed below. Zipped .NET project files: Download
public class InvokeHelper {
private delegate object MethodInvoker(Control control, string methodName, params object[] args);
private delegate object PropertyGetInvoker(Control control, object noncontrol, string propertyName);
private delegate void PropertySetInvoker(Control control, object noncontrol, string propertyName, object value);
private static PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo(Control control, object noncontrol, string propertyName) {
if (control != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) {
PropertyInfo pi = null;
Type t = null;
if (noncontrol != null) t = noncontrol.GetType();
else t = control.GetType();
pi = t.GetProperty(propertyName);
if (pi == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Can't find property {0} in {1}.", propertyName, t.ToString()));
return pi;
} else throw new ArgumentNullException("Invalid argument.");
public static object Invoke(Control control, string methodName, params object[] args) {
if (control != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName))
if (control.InvokeRequired) return control.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(Invoke), control, methodName, args);
else {
MethodInfo mi = null;
if (args != null && args.Length > 0) {
Type[] types = new Type[args.Length];
for (int i = 0; i
- Sergiu Josan, Making Controls Thread-safely, May 2009
- vicoB, Extension of safeInvoke, July 2010
The End. \(\Box\)
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