Debug.Assert vs Exception Throwing(转载)
I've read plenty of articles (and a couple of other similar questions that were posted on StackOverflow) about how and when to use assertions, and I understood them well. But still, I don't understand what kind of motivation should drive me to use Debug.Assert
instead of throwing a plain exception. What I mean is, in .NET the default response to a failed assertion is to "stop the world" and display a message box to the user. Though this kind of behavior could be modified, I find it highly annoying and redundant to do that, while I could instead, just throw a suitable exception. This way, I could easily write the error to the application's log just before I throw the exception, and plus, my application doesn't necessarily freeze.
So, why should I, if at all, use Debug.Assert
instead of a plain exception? Placing an assertion where it shouldn't be could just cause all kinds of "unwanted behavior", so in my point of view, I really don't gain anything by using an assertion instead of throwing an exception. Do you agree with me, or am I missing something here?
Note: I fully understand what's the difference "in theory" (Debug vs Release, usage patterns etc.), but as I see it, I would be better off throwing an exception instead of performing an assert. Since if a bug is discovered on a production release, I still would like that the "assertion" would fail (after all, the "overhead" is ridiculously small), so I'll be better off throwing an exception instead.
Edit: The way I see it, if an assert failed, that means that the application entered some kind of corrupted, unexpected state. So why would I want to continue execution? It doesn't matter if the application runs on a debug or release version. The same goes to both
Though I agree that your reasoning is plausible -- that is, if an assertion is violated unexpectedly, it makes sense to halt execution by throwing -- I personally would not use exceptions in the place of assertions. Here's why:
As others have said, assertions should document situations that are impossible, in such a manner that if the allegedly impossible situation comes to pass, the developer is informed. Exceptions, by contrast, provide a control flow mechanism for exceptional, unlikely, or erroneous situations, but not impossible situations. For me, the key difference is this:
It should ALWAYS be possible to produce a test case which exercises a given throw statement. If it is not possible to produce such a test case then you have a code path in your program which never executes, and it should be removed as dead code.
It should NEVER be possible to produce a test case which causes an assertion to fire. If an assertion fires, either the code is wrong or the assertion is wrong; either way, something needs to change in the code.
That's why I would not replace an assertion with an exception. If the assertion cannot actually fire, then replacing it with an exception means you have an untestable code path in your program. I dislike untestable code paths.
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