限制 | 说明 |
@Null | 限制只能为null |
@NotNull | 限制必须不为null |
@AssertFalse | 限制必须为false |
@AssertTrue | 限制必须为true |
@DecimalMax(value) | 限制必须为一个不大于指定值的数字 |
@DecimalMin(value) | 限制必须为一个不小于指定值的数字 |
@Digits(integer,fraction) | 限制必须为一个小数,且整数部分的位数不能超过integer,小数部分的位数不能超过fraction |
@Future | 限制必须是一个将来的日期 |
@Max(value) | 限制必须为一个不大于指定值的数字 |
@Min(value) | 限制必须为一个不小于指定值的数字 |
@Past | 限制必须是一个过去的日期 |
@Pattern(value) | 限制必须符合指定的正则表达式 |
@Size(max,min) | 限制字符长度必须在min到max之间 |
@Past | 验证注解的元素值(日期类型)比当前时间早 |
@NotEmpty | 验证注解的元素值不为null且不为空(字符串长度不为0、集合大小不为0) |
@NotBlank | 验证注解的元素值不为空(不为null、去除首位空格后长度为0),不同于@NotEmpty,@NotBlank只应用于字符串且在比较时会去除字符串的空格 |
验证注解的元素值是Email,也可以通过正则表达式和flag指定自定义的email格式 |
- public class ValidateGroup {
- public interface FirstGroup {
- }
- public interface SecondeGroup {
- }
- public interface ThirdGroup {
- }
- }
- @Validated
- @GroupSequence({ValidateGroup.FirstGroup.class, BaseMessageRequestBean.class})
- public class BaseMessageRequestBean {
- //渠道类型
- @NotNull(message = "channelType为NULL", groups = ValidateGroup.FirstGroup.class)
- private String channelType;
- //消息(模板消息或者普通消息)
- @NotNull(message = "data为NUll", groups = ValidateGroup.FirstGroup.class)
@Valid- private Object data;
- //业务类型
- @NotNull(message = "bizType为NULL", groups = ValidateGroup.FirstGroup.class)
- private String bizType;
- //消息推送对象
- @NotBlank(message = "toUser为BLANK", groups = ValidateGroup.FirstGroup.class)
- private String toUser;
- private long createTime = Instant.now().getEpochSecond();
- ......
- }
- @RestController
- public class TestValidatorController {
- @RequestMapping("/test/validator")
- public void test(@Validated BaseMessageRequestBean bean){
...- }
- }
- @RestController
- public class TestValidatorController {
- @RequestMapping("/test/validator")
- public void test(@Validated BaseMessageRequestBean bean, BindingResult result){
- result.getAllErrors();
- ...
- }
- }
- @Aspect
- @Component
- public class ControllerValidatorAspect {
- @Around("execution(* com.*.controller..*.*(..)) && args(..,result)")
- public Object doAround(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, result result) {
- result.getFieldErrors();
- ...
- }
- }
- @Bean
- public Validator validator() {
- return new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();
- }
LocalValidatorFactoryBean是Spring应用程序上下文中javax.validation(JSR-303)设置的中心类:它引导javax.validation.ValidationFactory并通过Spring Validator接口以及JSR-303 Validator接口和ValidatorFactory公开它。界面本身。通过Spring或JSR-303 Validator接口与该bean的实例进行通信时,您将与底层ValidatorFactory的默认Validator进行通信。这非常方便,因为您不必在工厂执行另一个调用,假设您几乎总是会使用默认的Validator。这也可以直接注入Validator类型的任何目标依赖项!从Spring 5.0开始,这个类需要Bean Validation 1.1+,特别支持Hibernate Validator 5.x(参见setValidationMessageSource(org.springframework.context.MessageSource))。这个类也与Bean Validation 2.0和Hibernate Validator 6.0运行时兼容,有一个特别说明:如果你想调用BV 2.0的getClockProvider()方法,通过#unwrap(ValidatorFactory.class)获取本机ValidatorFactory,在那里调用返回的本机引用上的getClockProvider()方法。Spring的MVC配置命名空间也使用此类,如果存在javax.validation API但未配置显式Validator。
- @Component
- public class ValidatorUtils implements ApplicationContextAware {
- @Override
- public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
- ValidatorUtils.validator = (Validator) applicationContext.getBean("validator");
- }
- private static Validator validator;
- public static Optional<String> validateResultProcess(Object obj) {
- Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> results = validator.validate(obj);
- if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(results)) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- for (Iterator<ConstraintViolation<Object>> iterator = results.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
- sb.append(iterator.next().getMessage());
- if (iterator.hasNext()) {
- sb.append(" ,");
- }
- }
- return Optional.of(sb.toString());
- }
- }
具体使用,在controller方法或者全局拦截校验器中调用 ValidatorUtils.validateResultProcess(需要校验的Bean) 直接获取校验的结果。
- @Validated
- @GroupSequence({ValidateGroup.FirstGroup.class, ValidateGroup.SecondeGroup.class, MessageRequestBean.class})
- @LogicValidate(groups = ValidateGroup.SecondeGroup.class)
- public class MessageRequestBean extends BaseMessageRequestBean {
- //签名信息(除该字段外的其他字段按照字典序排序,将值顺序拼接在一起,进行md5+Base64签名算法)
- @NotBlank(message = "signature为BLANK", groups = ValidateGroup.FirstGroup.class)
- private String signature;
- ...
- }
1、自定义一个带有 @Constraint注解的注解@LogicValidate,validatedBy 属性指向该注解对应的自定义校验器
- @Target({TYPE})
- @Retention(RUNTIME)
- //指定验证器
- @Constraint(validatedBy = LogicValidator.class)
- @Documented
- public @interface LogicValidate {
- String message() default "校验异常";
- //分组
- Class<?>[] groups() default {};
- Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
- }
- public class LogicValidator implements ConstraintValidator<LogicValidate, MessageRequestBean> {
- @Override
- public void initialize(LogicValidate logicValidate) {
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isValid(MessageRequestBean messageRequestBean, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
- String toSignature = StringUtils.join( messageRequestBean.getBizType()
- , messageRequestBean.getChannelType()
- , messageRequestBean.getData()
- , messageRequestBean.getToUser());
- String signature = new Base64().encodeAsString(DigestUtils.md5(toSignature));
- if (!messageRequestBean.getSignature().equals(signature)) {
- context.disableDefaultConstraintViolation();
- context.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate("signature校验失败")
- .addConstraintViolation();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- @Configuration
- @ConditionalOnMissingBean(value = MessageSource.class, search = SearchStrategy.CURRENT)
- @AutoConfigureOrder(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE)
- @Conditional(ResourceBundleCondition.class)
- @EnableConfigurationProperties
- @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.messages")
- public class MessageSourceAutoConfiguration {
- private static final Resource[] NO_RESOURCES = {};
- /**
- * Comma-separated list of basenames, each following the ResourceBundle convention.
- * Essentially a fully-qualified classpath location. If it doesn't contain a package
- * qualifier (such as "org.mypackage"), it will be resolved from the classpath root.
- */
- private String basename = "messages";
- /**
- * Message bundles encoding.
- */
- private Charset encoding = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
- /**
- * Loaded resource bundle files cache expiration, in seconds. When set to -1, bundles
- * are cached forever.
- */
- private int cacheSeconds = -1;
- /**
- * Set whether to fall back to the system Locale if no files for a specific Locale
- * have been found. if this is turned off, the only fallback will be the default file
- * (e.g. "messages.properties" for basename "messages").
- */
- private boolean fallbackToSystemLocale = true;
- /**
- * Set whether to always apply the MessageFormat rules, parsing even messages without
- * arguments.
- */
- private boolean alwaysUseMessageFormat = false;
- @Bean
- public MessageSource messageSource() {
- ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ResourceBundleMessageSource();
- if (StringUtils.hasText(this.basename)) {
- messageSource.setBasenames(StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(
- StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(this.basename)));
- }
- if (this.encoding != null) {
- messageSource.setDefaultEncoding(this.encoding.name());
- }
- messageSource.setFallbackToSystemLocale(this.fallbackToSystemLocale);
- messageSource.setCacheSeconds(this.cacheSeconds);
- messageSource.setAlwaysUseMessageFormat(this.alwaysUseMessageFormat);
- return messageSource;
- }
- public String getBasename() {
- return this.basename;
- }
- public void setBasename(String basename) {
- this.basename = basename;
- }
- public Charset getEncoding() {
- return this.encoding;
- }
- public void setEncoding(Charset encoding) {
- this.encoding = encoding;
- }
- public int getCacheSeconds() {
- return this.cacheSeconds;
- }
- public void setCacheSeconds(int cacheSeconds) {
- this.cacheSeconds = cacheSeconds;
- }
- public boolean isFallbackToSystemLocale() {
- return this.fallbackToSystemLocale;
- }
- public void setFallbackToSystemLocale(boolean fallbackToSystemLocale) {
- this.fallbackToSystemLocale = fallbackToSystemLocale;
- }
- public boolean isAlwaysUseMessageFormat() {
- return this.alwaysUseMessageFormat;
- }
- public void setAlwaysUseMessageFormat(boolean alwaysUseMessageFormat) {
- this.alwaysUseMessageFormat = alwaysUseMessageFormat;
- }
- protected static class ResourceBundleCondition extends SpringBootCondition {
- private static ConcurrentReferenceHashMap<String, ConditionOutcome> cache = new ConcurrentReferenceHashMap<String, ConditionOutcome>();
- @Override
- public ConditionOutcome getMatchOutcome(ConditionContext context,
- AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
- String basename = context.getEnvironment()
- .getProperty("spring.messages.basename", "messages");
- ConditionOutcome outcome = cache.get(basename);
- if (outcome == null) {
- outcome = getMatchOutcomeForBasename(context, basename);
- cache.put(basename, outcome);
- }
- return outcome;
- }
- private ConditionOutcome getMatchOutcomeForBasename(ConditionContext context,
- String basename) {
- ConditionMessage.Builder message = ConditionMessage
- .forCondition("ResourceBundle");
- for (String name : StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(
- StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(basename))) {
- for (Resource resource : getResources(context.getClassLoader(), name)) {
- if (resource.exists()) {
- return ConditionOutcome
- .match(message.found("bundle").items(resource));
- }
- }
- }
- return ConditionOutcome.noMatch(
- message.didNotFind("bundle with basename " + basename).atAll());
- }
- private Resource[] getResources(ClassLoader classLoader, String name) {
- try {
- return new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(classLoader)
- .getResources("classpath*:" + name + ".properties");
- }
- catch (Exception ex) {
- return NO_RESOURCES;
- }
- }
- }
- }
从上面的MessageSource自动配置可以看出,可以通过spring.message.basename指定要配置国际化文件位置,默认值是“message”。spring boot默认就支持国际化的,默认会去resouces目录下寻找message.properties文件。
这里就不进行过多关于国际化相关信息的介绍了,肯定少不了区域解析器。springboot国际化相关知识请参考:Spring Boot国际化(i18n)
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第一个地址:springboot使用hibernate validator校验,Bean Validation校验
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