python ddt
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2018/12/15 15:27
# @Author : ChenAdong
# @Email : import unittest
import ddt lst = [1, 2, 3]
dic = {"userName": "chen"}
tur = (1, 2, 3)
s = {1, 2, 3} @ddt.ddt
class Test(unittest.TestCase):*lst)
def test_list(self, data):
def test_dictionary(self, data):
print("==================") @ddt.file_data("ddt_test001.json")
def test_file(self, key):
print(key) @ddt.file_data("ddt_test.json")
def test_file(self, start, end, value):
print(start, end, value) if __name__ == "__main__":
unittest.main() """
# 付上ddt-help
E:\myworkspace\python_workspace\tools\venv\Scripts\python.exe E:/myworkspace/python_workspace/projects/tmp/
Help on module ddt:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is a part of DDT (
# Copyright 2012-2015 Carles Barrobés and DDT contributors
# For the exact contribution history, see the git revision log.
# DDT is licensed under the MIT License, included in
add_test(cls, test_name, test_docstring, func, *args, **kwargs)
Add a test case to this class.
The test will be based on an existing function but will give it a new
Method decorator to add to your test methods.
Should be added to methods of instances of ``unittest.TestCase``.
Class decorator for subclasses of ``unittest.TestCase``.
Apply this decorator to the test case class, and then
decorate test methods with ``@data``.
For each method decorated with ``@data``, this will effectively create as
many methods as data items are passed as parameters to ``@data``.
The names of the test methods follow the pattern
``original_test_name_{ordinal}_{data}``. ``ordinal`` is the position of the
data argument, starting with 1.
For data we use a string representation of the data value converted into a
valid python identifier. If ``data.__name__`` exists, we use that instead.
For each method decorated with ``@file_data('test_data.json')``, the
decorator will try to load the test_data.json file located relative
to the python file containing the method that is decorated. It will,
for each ``test_name`` key create as many methods in the list of values
from the ``data`` key.
feed_data(func, new_name, test_data_docstring, *args, **kwargs)
This internal method decorator feeds the test data item to the test.
Method decorator to add to your test methods.
Should be added to methods of instances of ``unittest.TestCase``.
``value`` should be a path relative to the directory of the file
containing the decorated ``unittest.TestCase``. The file
should contain JSON encoded data, that can either be a list or a
In case of a list, each value in the list will correspond to one
test case, and the value will be concatenated to the test method
In case of a dict, keys will be used as suffixes to the name of the
test case, and values will be fed as test data.
Method decorator to add to your test methods.
Should be added to methods of instances of ``unittest.TestCase``.
mk_test_name(name, value, index=0)
Generate a new name for a test case.
It will take the original test name and append an ordinal index and a
string representation of the value, and convert the result into a valid
python identifier by replacing extraneous characters with ``_``.
We avoid doing str(value) if dealing with non-trivial values.
The problem is possible different names with different runs, e.g.
different order of dictionary keys (see PYTHONHASHSEED) or dealing
with mock objects.
Trivial scalar values are passed as is.
A "trivial" value is a plain scalar, or a tuple or list consisting
only of trivial values.
process_file_data(cls, name, func, file_attr)
Process the parameter in the `file_data` decorator.
Method decorator to add unpack feature.
DATA_ATTR = '%values'
FILE_ATTR = '%file_path'
UNPACK_ATTR = '%unpack'
index_len = 5
trivial_types = (<class 'NoneType'>, <class 'bool'>, <class 'int'>, <c...
Process finished with exit code 0
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