If at first you don't succeed, then dust yourself off and try again.


From Aaliyah, 'Try Again'.

If at first you don't succeed, just try and try again.

If you are not willing to give up, you are running about the average.

Do not lose hope and do not hold on to the past mistakes, we all know that as long as we don't throw in the towel, there is still a slim chance that we can succeed.

Be a little more patient, and truly devote some practical actions on our goals, we are able to make some difference to our life.

Almost every successful person has faced many fears, has made many mistakes, but their amazing persistence has contributed a lot to theri successes.

Never accept defeat, never beat yourself, we still can go and go further.

Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.


Actually, many people can't tell the difference between purposes and wishes, I can't, either.

Rather than think of what we want as elusive or vague dreams, we must reframe them so they can grow up into purposes, achievable and actionable goals, which we are driven to accomplish.

But how to? What can we do if our dreams are beyond our abilities?

Accept the very reality that we are common, we are the average, but we can accomplish some extraordinary things through our unceasing efforts.

Here are several useful steps when trying to achieve goals:

1. Remember goals are purposes, or in the case of smaller goals, steps toward purposes;

2. Set long-term goals, basing the long-term goals on values that can increase our motivation;

3. Set short-term goals, small steps that move towards long-term goals;

4. Prioritize goals, arrange them in order of importance, clear priorities helps manage time and thus allow us to achieve more;

5. Define goal setting strategy;

6. Give deadlines to the goals;

7. Be accountable for the progress, we are the only one who is in chare of our life;

8. Expect failure, yet, demand resilience and persistence.

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