 #pragma once
#include "stdio.h" struct Node
Node(int aValue)
{ }
int m_Value;
Node* m_pLeft;
Node* m_pRight;
Node* m_pParent;
}; class BinarySearchTree
void Init();
void Insert(int aValue);
void Delete(int aValue);
Node* MaxNode(Node* apNode);
Node* MinNode(Node* apNode);
Node* Search(int aValue); void PreOrderPrint();
void AfterOrderPrint();
void MidOrderPrint(); void PrintNode( Node* lpNode )
printf("%d ", lpNode->m_Value);
} Node* Successor(Node* aNode); private:
Node* m_pRootNode;
 #include "BinarySearchTree.h"
#include <stack>
#include <queue> BinarySearchTree::BinarySearchTree(void)
} BinarySearchTree::~BinarySearchTree(void)
} void BinarySearchTree::Insert( int aValue )
Node* lpNewNode = new Node(aValue);
if (NULL == m_pRootNode)
m_pRootNode = lpNewNode;
Node* lpNode = m_pRootNode;
Node* lpPNode = NULL; while(lpNode)
lpPNode = lpNode;
if (lpNode->m_Value > aValue)
lpNode = lpNode->m_pLeft;
lpNode = lpNode->m_pRight;
} if (lpPNode->m_Value > aValue)
lpPNode->m_pLeft = lpNewNode;
lpPNode->m_pRight = lpNewNode;
lpNewNode->m_pParent = lpPNode;
} void BinarySearchTree::Init()
} void BinarySearchTree::Delete( int aValue )
Node* lpNode = Search(aValue);
if (NULL == lpNode)
} Node* lpDeleteNode = NULL; if (!lpNode->m_pLeft && !lpNode->m_pRight)
if (lpNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft = lpNode)
lpNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft = NULL;
lpNode->m_pParent->m_pRight = NULL;
delete lpNode;
if (!lpNode->m_pLeft && lpNode->m_pRight)
if (lpNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft == lpNode)
lpNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft = lpNode->m_pRight;
lpNode->m_pRight->m_pParent = lpNode->m_pParent;
lpNode->m_pParent->m_pRight = lpNode->m_pRight;
lpNode->m_pRight->m_pParent = lpNode->m_pParent;
delete lpNode;
lpNode =NULL;
else if (lpNode->m_pLeft && !lpNode->m_pRight)
if (lpNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft == lpNode)
lpNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft = lpNode->m_pLeft;
lpNode->m_pLeft->m_pParent = lpNode->m_pParent;
lpNode->m_pParent->m_pRight = lpNode->m_pLeft;
lpNode->m_pLeft->m_pParent = lpNode->m_pParent;
delete lpNode;
lpNode = NULL;
Node* lpSuccessorNode = Successor(lpNode);
lpNode->m_Value = lpSuccessorNode->m_Value;
if (lpSuccessorNode->m_pRight)
lpSuccessorNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft = lpSuccessorNode->m_pRight;
lpSuccessorNode->m_pRight->m_pParent = lpSuccessorNode->m_pParent;
delete lpSuccessorNode;
lpSuccessorNode = NULL;
} void BinarySearchTree::PreOrderPrint()
std::queue<Node*> lStack;
Node* lpCurNode = m_pRootNode; if (NULL != lpCurNode)
Node* lpNode = lStack.front();
if (lpNode->m_pLeft)
if (lpNode->m_pRight)
} void BinarySearchTree::AfterOrderPrint()
std::stack<Node*> lStack;
Node* lpCurNode = m_pRootNode;
bool lDone = true;
while(!lStack.empty() || lpCurNode)
if (lpCurNode)
lpCurNode = lpCurNode->m_pRight;
lpCurNode = lStack.top();
lpCurNode = lpCurNode->m_pLeft;
} void BinarySearchTree::MidOrderPrint()
Node* lpNode = m_pRootNode;
std::stack<Node*> lQueue; while(NULL != lpNode || !lQueue.empty())
if (NULL != lpNode)
lpNode = lpNode->m_pLeft;
lpNode = lQueue.top();
lpNode = lpNode->m_pRight;
} Node* BinarySearchTree::MinNode(Node* apNode)
Node* lpPreNode = NULL;
Node* lpNode = apNode; while(lpNode)
lpPreNode = lpPreNode;
lpNode = lpNode->m_pLeft;
} return lpPreNode;
} Node* BinarySearchTree::MaxNode(Node* apNode)
Node* lpPreNode = NULL;
Node* lpNode = apNode; while(lpNode)
lpPreNode = lpPreNode;
lpNode = lpNode->m_pRight;
} return lpPreNode;
} Node* BinarySearchTree::Successor(Node* aNode)
if (NULL == m_pRootNode)
return NULL;
} Node* lpNode = aNode;
if (lpNode->m_pRight)
return MinNode(lpNode->m_pRight);
while(lpNode && lpNode->m_pParent->m_pRight == lpNode)
lpNode = lpNode->m_pParent;
} return lpNode;
} Node* BinarySearchTree::Search( int aValue )
Node* lpNode = m_pRootNode;
if (lpNode->m_Value > aValue)
lpNode = lpNode->m_pLeft;
else if (lpNode->m_Value < aValue)
lpNode = lpNode->m_pRight;
return lpNode;
return NULL;

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