A common feature of a user interface is to show a progress dialog that visually displays the progress of a long-running task. The dialog automatically disappears when the task is done. The ProgressMonitor class is a convenient dialog that implements a progress dialog.

The progress monitor contains a message which describes the long-running task. The message does not change for the duration of the task. The progress monitor also allows for a note which is a description of the current subtask. For example, if the task is copying a set of files, the note could be the name of the current file being copied.

Note: A progress monitor should not be reused. The properties that control when the dialog should appear are set when the monitor is constructed and cannot be reset.

See also e801 创建一个JProgressBar组件.

    // This message describes the task that is running
String message = "Description of Task"; // This string describes a subtask; set to null if not needed
String note = "subtask"; // Set the title of the dialog if desired
String title = "Task Title";
UIManager.put("ProgressMonitor.progressText", title); // Create a progress monitor dialog.
// The dialog will use the supplied component's frame as the parent.
int min = 0;
int max = 100;
ProgressMonitor pm = new ProgressMonitor(component, message, note, min, max);

As the task progresses, check to see if the task has been cancelled and if not, call setProgress() and supply its current state.

    // Check if the dialog has been cancelled
boolean cancelled = pm.isCanceled(); if (cancelled) {
// Stop task
} else {
// Set new state
pm.setProgress(newValue); // Change the note if desired
pm.setNote("New Note");
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