


02、设置国内Cygwin源add url








注意:安装器既可以安装又可以 升级|卸载| 软件,很不错的,,,



C:\cygwin64\bin  #把二级制apt-cyg丢进来

chmod a+x /bin/apt-cyg

apt-cyg mirror http://mirrors.163.com/cygwin    #修改默认软件源

apt-cyg --help #查看帮助命令

$ apt-cyg --help
apt-cyg - package manager utility SYNOPSIS
apt-cyg [operation] [options] [targets] DESCRIPTION
apt-cyg is a package management utility that tracks installed packages on a
Cygwin system. Invoking apt-cyg involves specifying an operation with any
potential options and targets to operate on. A target is usually a package
name, file name, URL, or a search string. Targets can be provided as command
line arguments. OPERATIONS
Install package(s). remove
Remove package(s) from the system. update
Download a fresh copy of the master package list (setup.ini) from the
server defined in setup.rc. download
Retrieve package(s) from the server, but do not install/upgrade anything. show
Display information on given package(s). depends
Produce a dependency tree for a package. rdepends
Produce a tree of packages that depend on the named package. list
Search each locally-installed package for names that match regexp. If no
package names are provided in the command line, all installed packages will
be queried. listall
This will search each package in the master package list (setup.ini) for
names that match regexp. category
Display all packages that are members of a named category. listfiles
List all files owned by a given package. Multiple packages can be specified
on the command line. search
Search for downloaded packages that own the specified file(s). The path can
be relative or absolute, and one or more files can be specified. searchall
Search cygwin.com to retrieve file information about packages. The provided
target is considered to be a filename and searchall will return the
package(s) which contain this file. mirror
Set the mirror; a full URL to a location where the database, packages, and
signatures for this repository can be found. If no URL is provided, display
current mirror. cache
Set the package cache directory. If a file is not found in cache directory,
it will be downloaded. Unix and Windows forms are accepted, as well as
absolute or regular paths. If no directory is provided, display current
cache. OPTIONS
Specify this option to skip all dependency checks. --version
Display version and exit.


$ apt-cyg install gcc
---- ::-- http://mirrors.163.com/cygwin/x86_64/setup.bz2
正在解析主机 mirrors..com (mirrors..com)...,,, ...
正在连接 mirrors..com (mirrors..com)||:... 已连接。
已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... OK
长度: (3.3M) [application/octet-stream]
正在保存至: “setup.bz2” setup.bz2 %[===================>] 3.30M .67MB/s 用时 .2s -- :: (2.67 MB/s) - 已保存 “setup.bz2” [/]) Updated setup.ini
Installing gcc
Unable to locate package gcc




链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pL85zMb 密码: d4th

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i5mxeQT 密码: rcgp


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  4. Cygwin,一个提供linux命令行体验的Windows命令行工具

    安装 从官网下载,选择合适节点(带edu结尾的优先),安装 使用 未完待续...

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  6. [转]Cygwin的包管理器:apt-cyg

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  8. 【转】Cygwin的包管理器:apt-cyg

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