
没人写$fhq\ treap$做法,那我就补一篇qwq






#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#define ll long long
#define inf 0x7fffffff
#define il inline namespace io { #define in(a) a=read()
#define out(a) write(a)
#define outn(a) out(a),putchar('\n') #define I_int int
inline I_int read() {
I_int x = , f = ; char c = getchar() ;
while( c < '' || c > '' ) { if( c == '-' ) f = - ; c = getchar() ; }
while( c >= '' && c <= '' ) { x = x * + c - '' ; c = getchar() ; }
return x * f ;
char F[ ] ;
inline void write( I_int x ) {
if( x == ) { putchar( '' ) ; return ; }
I_int tmp = x > ? x : -x ;
if( x < ) putchar( '-' ) ;
int cnt = ;
while( tmp > ) {
F[ cnt ++ ] = tmp % + '' ;
tmp /= ;
while( cnt > ) putchar( F[ -- cnt ] ) ;
#undef I_int }
using namespace io ; using namespace std ; #define N 300010
#define int long long int n , tot = , root = ; //fhq-treap
struct fhq_treap {
int siz , val , lc , rc , rnk ;
} t[N] ;
void pushup(int rt) {t[rt].siz = t[t[rt].lc].siz + t[t[rt].rc].siz + ;}
void split(int &a , int &b , int val , int rt) {
if(!rt) { a = b = ; return ; }
if(t[rt].val <= val) a = rt , split(t[a].rc , b , val , t[rt].rc) ;
else b = rt , split(a , t[b].lc , val , t[rt].lc) ;
pushup(rt) ;
void merge(int a , int b , int &rt) {
if(!a || !b) {rt = a + b ; return ;}
if(t[a].rnk < t[b].rnk) rt = a , merge(t[a].rc , b , t[rt].rc) ;
else rt = b , merge(a , t[b].lc , t[rt].lc) ;
pushup(rt) ;
int new_node(int val) {
t[++tot] = (fhq_treap) { , val , , , rand()} ;
return tot ;
inline void insert(int val) {
int x = , y = , z = new_node(val) ;
split(x , y , val , root) ;
merge(x , z , x) ; merge(x , y , root) ;
void Del(int val) {
int x = , y = , z = ;
split(x , y , val , root) ; split(x , z , val - , x) ;
merge(t[z].lc , t[z].rc , z) ; merge(x , z , x) ; merge(x , y , root) ;
inline int find_val(int rnk , int rt) {
while(t[t[rt].lc].siz + != rnk) {
if(t[t[rt].lc].siz >= rnk) rt = t[rt].lc ;
else rnk -= t[t[rt].lc].siz + , rt = t[rt].rc ;
return t[rt].val ;
//fhq-treap end struct query {
int l , r , val , id;
} q[N] ;
int ans[N] , a[N] , block ; bool cmp(query a , query b) {
return a.l == b.l ? a.r < b.r : a.l < b.l ;
} signed main() {
srand((unsigned)time()) ;
n = read() ; int m = read() ;
new_node(inf) ; t[].siz = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n ; i ++) a[i] = read() ;
for(int i = ; i <= m ; i ++) q[i] = (query) {read() , read() , read() , i} ;
block = sqrt(n) ; sort(q + , q + m + , cmp) ;
q[].l = ;
for(int i = ; i <= m ; i ++) {
for(int cur = q[i-].r + ; cur <= q[i].r ; cur ++) insert(a[cur]) ;
for(int cur = q[i-].l ; cur < q[i].l ; cur ++) Del(a[cur]) ;
ans[q[i].id] = find_val(q[i].val , root) ;
for(int i = ; i <= m ; i ++) outn(ans[i]) ;

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