* CCDictionary is a class like NSDictionary in Obj-C .
* @note Only the pointer of CCObject or its subclass can be inserted to CCDictionary.
* @code
* // Create a dictionary, return an autorelease object.
* CCDictionary* pDict = CCDictionary::create();
* // Insert objects to dictionary
* CCString* pValue1 = CCString::create("100");
* CCString* pValue2 = CCString::create("120");
* CCInteger* pValue3 = CCInteger::create(200);
* pDict->setObject(pValue1, "key1");
* pDict->setObject(pValue2, "key2");
* pDict->setObject(pValue3, "key3");
* // Get the object for key
* CCString* pStr1 = (CCString*)pDict->objectForKey("key1");
* CCLog("{ key1: %s }", pStr1->getCString());
* CCInteger* pInteger = (CCInteger*)pDict->objectForKey("key3");
* CCLog("{ key3: %d }", pInteger->getValue());
* @endcode
*/ class CC_DLL CCDictionary : public CCObject
* The constructor of CCDictionary.
CCDictionary(); /**
* The destructor of CCDictionary
~CCDictionary(); /**
* Get the count of elements in CCDictionary.
* @return The count of elements.
unsigned int count(); /**
* Return all keys of elements.
* @return The array contains all keys of elements. It's an autorelease object yet.
CCArray* allKeys(); /**
* Get all keys according to the specified object.
* @warning We use '==' to compare two objects
* @return The array contains all keys for the specified object. It's an autorelease object yet.
CCArray* allKeysForObject(CCObject* object); /**
* Get the object according to the specified string key.
* @note The dictionary needs to use string as key. If integer is passed, an assert will appear.
* @param key The string key for searching.
* @return The object matches the key. You need to force convert it to the type you know.
* @code
* // Assume that the elements are CCString* pointers. Convert it by following code.
* CCString* pStr = (CCString*)pDict->objectForKey("key1");
* // Do something about pStr.
* // If you don't know the object type, properly you need to use dynamic_cast<SomeType*> to check it.
* CCString* pStr2 = dynamic_cast<CCString*>(pDict->objectForKey("key1"));
* if (pStr2 != NULL) {
* // Do something about pStr2
* }
* @endcode
* @see objectForKey(intptr_t)
CCObject* objectForKey(const std::string& key); /**
* Get the object according to the specified integer key.
* @note The dictionary needs to use integer as key. If string is passed, an assert will appear.
* @param key The integer key for searching.
* @return The object matches the key.
* @see objectForKey(const std::string&)
CCObject* objectForKey(intptr_t key); /** Get the value according to the specified string key.
* @note Be careful to use this function since it assumes the objects in the dictionary are CCString pointer.
* @param key The string key for searching
* @return An instance of CCString.
* It will return an empty string if the objects aren't CCString pointer or the key wasn't found.
* @see valueForKey(intptr_t)
const CCString* valueForKey(const std::string& key); /** Get the value according to the specified integer key.
* @note Be careful to use this function since it assumes the objects in the dictionary are CCString pointer.
* @param key The string key for searching.
* @return An instance of CCString.
* It will return an empty string if the objects aren't CCString pointer or the key wasn't found.
* @see valueForKey(intptr_t)
const CCString* valueForKey(intptr_t key); /** Insert an object to dictionary, and match it with the specified string key.
* @note Whe the first time this method is invoked, the key type will be set to string.
* After that you can't setObject with an integer key.
* If the dictionary contains the key you passed, the object matching the key will be released and removed from dictionary.
* Then the new object will be inserted after that.
* @param pObject The Object to be inserted.
* @param key The string key for searching.
* @see setObject(CCObject*, intptr_t)
void setObject(CCObject* pObject, const std::string& key); /** Insert an object to dictionary, and match it with the specified string key.
* @note Then the first time this method is invoked, the key type will be set to string.
* After that you can't setObject with an integer key.
* If the dictionary contains the key you passed, the object matching the key will be released and removed from dictionary.
* Then the new object will be inserted after that.
* @param pObject The Object to be inserted.
* @param key The string key for searching.
* @see setObject(CCObject*, const std::string&)
void setObject(CCObject* pObject, intptr_t key); /**
* Remove an object by the specified string key.
* @param key The string key for searching.
* @see removeObjectForKey(intptr_t), removeObjectsForKeys(CCArray*),
* removeObjectForElememt(CCDictElement*), removeAllObjects().
void removeObjectForKey(const std::string& key); /**
* Remove an object by the specified integer key.
* @param key The integer key for searching.
* @see removeObjectForKey(const std::string&), removeObjectsForKeys(CCArray*),
* removeObjectForElememt(CCDictElement*), removeAllObjects().
void removeObjectForKey(intptr_t key); /**
* Remove objects by an array of keys.
* @param pKeyArray The array contains keys to be removed.
* @see removeObjectForKey(const std::string&), removeObjectForKey(intptr_t),
* removeObjectForElememt(CCDictElement*), removeAllObjects().
void removeObjectsForKeys(CCArray* pKeyArray); /**
* Remove an object by an element.
* @param pElement The element need to be removed.
* @see removeObjectForKey(const std::string&), removeObjectForKey(intptr_t),
* removeObjectsForKeys(CCArray*), removeAllObjects().
void removeObjectForElememt(CCDictElement* pElement); /**
* Remove all objects in the dictionary.
* @see removeObjectForKey(const std::string&), removeObjectForKey(intptr_t),
* removeObjectsForKeys(CCArray*), removeObjectForElememt(CCDictElement*).
void removeAllObjects(); /// @{
/// @name Function override
* This function is used for deepcopy elements from source dictionary to destination dictionary.
* You shouldn't invoke this function manually since it's called by CCObject::copy.
virtual CCObject* copyWithZone(CCZone* pZone);
/// @} /**
* Return a random object in the dictionary.
* @return The random object.
* @see objectForKey(intptr_t), objectForKey(const std::string&)
CCObject* randomObject(); /**
* Create a dictionary.
* @return A dictionary which is an autorelease object.
* @see createWithDictionary(CCDictionary*), createWithContentsOfFile(const char*), createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(const char*).
static CCDictionary* create(); /**
* Create a dictionary with an existing dictionary.
* @param srcDict The exist dictionary.
* @return A dictionary which is an autorelease object.
* @see create(), createWithContentsOfFile(const char*), createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(const char*).
static CCDictionary* createWithDictionary(CCDictionary* srcDict); /**
* Create a dictionary with a plist file.
* @param pFileName The name of the plist file.
* @return A dictionary which is an autorelease object.
* @see create(), createWithDictionary(CCDictionary*), createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(const char*).
static CCDictionary* createWithContentsOfFile(const char *pFileName); /**
* Create a dictionary with a plist file.
* @note the return object isn't an autorelease object.
* This can make sure not using autorelease pool in a new thread.
* Therefore, you need to manage the lifecycle of the return object.
* It means that when you don't need it, CC_SAFE_RELEASE needs to be invoked.
* @param pFileName The name of the plist file.
* @return A dictionary which isn't an autorelease object.
static CCDictionary* createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(const char *pFileName); private:
* For internal usage, invoked by setObject.
void setObjectUnSafe(CCObject* pObject, const std::string& key);
void setObjectUnSafe(CCObject* pObject, const intptr_t key); public:
* All the elements in dictionary.
* @note For internal usage, we need to declare this member variable as public since it's used in UT_HASH.
CCDictElement* m_pElements;
private: /** The support type of dictionary, it's confirmed when setObject is invoked. */
enum CCDictType
kCCDictUnknown = ,
}; /**
* The type of dictionary, it's assigned to kCCDictUnknown by default.
CCDictType m_eDictType;


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