Talk with a partner ['pɑːtnə] (伙伴)  与同伴说一说

Comple the words 写全单词






area code

phone number

Read the ID card . Complete the sentences ['sent(ə)nsiz].  看下面的身份证。完成句子

Central  Adult  School Library    中央成人学校图书馆

Central  cen tral    ['sentr(ə)l]   中心的;主要的;中枢的

Adult   A dult  ['ædʌlt; ə'dʌlt]  成年人

Her first name is Linda

Her last name is Wang

Her Area code is 916

Her  phone number is 555-7834

She is from China

Note:“签名”在英语中叫 signature  sig na tu re  ['sɪgnətʃə]

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