When we develop the Angular app inside Docker container, we can simulate Production envioment by build Angualr App instead of using 'ng serve':

ng build --watch --delete-output-path false

'--delete-output-path false': tells it do not delete the dist folder when doing the build.

nginx.dockerfile file:

FROM nginx:alpine
LABEL author="Dan Wahlin"
COPY ./config/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf # Use the following commands to build the image and run the container (run from the root folder)
# 1. You'll first need to build the project using `ng build --watch --delete-output-path false` # 2. Now build the Docker image:
# docker build -t nginx-angular -f nginx.dockerfile . #3. Run the Docker container:
# To run the container we'll create a volume to point to our local source code. On Mac
# you can use $(pwd) to reference your local folder where your running Docker commands from.
# If you're on Windows there are several options to point to the folder. See my following post:
# https://blog.codewithdan.com/2017/10/25/docker-volumes-and-print-working-directory-pwd/ # docker run -p 8080:80 -v $(pwd)/dist:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx-angular

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