
#and or not

#优先级 ()>not>and>or

#and or not
print(2>1 and 1<4 or 2<3 and 9>6 or 2<4 and 3<2)
# True or True or False
print(3>4 or 4<3 and 1==1)                               #False
print(1<2 and 3<4 or 1>2) #True
print(2>1 and 3<4 or 4>5 and 2<1) #True
print(1>2 and 3<4 or 4>5 and 2>1 or 9<8) #False
print(1>1 and 3<4 or 4>5 and 2>1 and 9>8 or 7<6) #False
print(not 2>1 and 3<4 or 4>5 and 2>1 and 9>8 or 7<6) #False


print(bool(2)) #True
print(bool(-2)) #True
print(bool(0)) #False
print(int(True)) #
print(int(False)) #

x or y , x为真,值就是x,x为假,值是y

print(1 or 2)    #
print(3 or 2) #
print(0 or 2) #
print(0 or 100) #

x and y, x为真,值是y,x为假,值是x

print(1 and 2)   #
print(0 and 2) #

in,not in :


print('喜欢' in 'dkfljadklf喜欢hfjdkas')
print('a' in 'bcvd')
print('y' not in 'ofkjdslaf')

#and or 组合

print(2 or 100 or 3 or 4)  #
print(0 or 4 and 3 or 2) #

#综合 第一个为布尔型则返回布尔型,第一个为数值型,则返回数值型

print(1>2 and 3 or 4 and 3<2) #False
print(2 or 1<3 and 2) #
print(0 or 5<4)               #False
print(0 and 3>1) #
print(3>1 and 0) #
print(3>1 and 2 or 2<3 and 3 and 4 or 3>2) #

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