
  class KVStore[K,V] {
private val kvs = new ConcurrentHashMap[K,V]()
def create(k: K, v: V): Task[Unit] = Task.delay(kvs.putIfAbsent(k,v))
def read(k: K): Task[Option[V]] = Task.delay(Option(kvs.get(k)))
def update(k: K, v: V): Task[Unit] = Task.delay(kvs.put(k,v))
def delete(k: K): Task[Boolean] = Task.delay(kvs.remove(k) != null)


  type FoodName = String
type Quantity = Int
type FoodStore = KVStore[String,Int] def addFood(food: FoodName, qty: Quantity)(implicit fs: FoodStore): Task[Quantity] = for {
current <- fs.read(food)
newQty = current.map(cq => cq + qty).getOrElse(qty)
_ <- fs.update(food,newQty)
} yield newQty def takeFood(food: FoodName, qty: Quantity)(implicit fs: FoodStore): Task[Quantity] = for {
current <- fs.read(food)
cq = current.getOrElse()
taken = Math.min(cq,qty)
left = cq - taken
_ <- if(left > ) fs.update(food,left) else fs.delete(food)
} yield taken def cookSauce(qty: Quantity)(get: (FoodName,Quantity) => Task[Quantity],
put: (FoodName,Quantity) => Task[Quantity]): Task[Quantity] = for {
tomato <- get("Tomato",qty)
vaggies <- get("Veggies",qty)
_ <- get("Galic",)
sauceQ = tomato/ + vaggies * /
_ <- put("Sauce",sauceQ)
} yield sauceQ def cookPasta(qty: Quantity)(get: (FoodName,Quantity) => Task[Quantity],
put: (FoodName,Quantity) => Task[Quantity]): Task[Quantity] = for {
pasta <- get("Pasta", qty)
sauce <- get("Sauce", qty)
_ <- get("Spice", )
portions = Math.min(pasta, sauce)
_ <- put("Meal", portions)
} yield portions


  implicit val refridge = new FoodStore

  val shopping: Task[Unit] = for {
_ <- addFood("Tomato",)
_ <- addFood("Veggies",)
_ <- addFood("Garlic", )
_ <- addFood("Spice", )
_ <- addFood("Pasta", )
} yield() val cooking: Task[Quantity] = for {
_ <- shopping
sauce <- cookSauce()(takeFood(_,_),addFood(_,_))
meals <- cookPasta()(takeFood(_,_),addFood(_,_))
} yield meals import scala.util._
import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global val cancellableCooking = Cooking.runOnComplete { result =>
result match {
case Success(meals) => println(s"we have $meals pasta meals for the day.")
case Failure(err) => println(s"cooking trouble: ${err.getMessage}")
} global.scheduleOnce( second) {
println(s"its taking too long, cancelling cooking ...")


  class Refridge {
def addFood(food: FoodName, qty: Quantity): FoodStore => Task[Quantity] = { foodStore =>
for {
current <- foodStore.read(food)
newQty = current.map(c => c + qty).getOrElse(qty)
_ <- foodStore.update(food, newQty)
} yield newQty
} def takeFood(food: FoodName, qty: Quantity): FoodStore => Task[Quantity] = { foodStore =>
for {
current <- foodStore.read(food)
cq = current.getOrElse()
taken = Math.min(cq, qty)
left = cq - taken
_ <- if (left > ) foodStore.update(food, left) else foodStore.delete(food)
} yield taken
} }


scala的函数式组件库cats提供了一个Kleisli类型,reader monad就是从它推导出来的:

 final case class Kleisli[M[_], A, B](run: A => M[B]) { self =>
trait KleisliFunctions {
/**Construct a Kleisli from a Function1 */
def kleisli[M[_], A, B](f: A => M[B]): Kleisli[M, A, B] = Kleisli(f)

def >=>[C](k: Kleisli[M, B, C])(implicit b: Bind[M]): Kleisli[M, A, C] =
kleisli((a: A) => b.bind(this(a))(k.run))

// (A=>M[B]) >=> (B=>M[C]) >=> (C=>M[D]) = M[D]


 type ReaderT[F[_], E, A] = Kleisli[F, E, A]
val ReaderT = Kleisli
val reader = ReaderT[F,B,A](A => F[B])
val readerTask = ReaderT[Task,B,A](A => Task[B])
val injection = ReaderT { foodStore => Task.delay { foodStore.takeFood } }
val food = injection.run(db) // run(kvs), run(dbConfig) …


  type FoodName = String
type Quantity = Int
type FoodStore = KVStore[String,Int] class Refridge {
def addFood(food: FoodName, qty: Quantity): ReaderT[Task,FoodStore,Quantity] = ReaderT{ foodStore =>
for {
current <- foodStore.read(food)
newQty = current.map(c => c + qty).getOrElse(qty)
_ <- foodStore.update(food, newQty)
} yield newQty
} def takeFood(food: FoodName, qty: Quantity): ReaderT[Task,FoodStore,Quantity] = ReaderT{ foodStore =>
for {
current <- foodStore.read(food)
cq = current.getOrElse()
taken = Math.min(cq, qty)
left = cq - taken
_ <- if (left > ) foodStore.update(food, left) else foodStore.delete(food)
} yield taken
} }

ReaderT[F[_],E,A]就是ReaderT[Task,FoodStore,Quantity]. FoodStore是注入的依赖,ReaderT.run返回Task:

  val cooking: ReaderT[Task,FoodStore,Quantity] = for {
_ <- shopping
sauce <- cooker.cookSauce()
pasta <- cooker.cookPasta()
} yield pasta import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util._
import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global
val timedCooking = cooking.run(foodStore).timeoutTo( seconds, Task.raiseError( new RuntimeException(
"oh no, take too long to cook ...")))
val cancellableCooking = timedCooking.runOnComplete { result =>
result match {
case Success(meals) => println(s"we have $meals specials for the day.")
case Failure(exception) => println(s"kitchen problem! ${exception.getMessage}")
global.scheduleOnce( seconds) {
println("3 seconds passed,cancelling ...")

我们知道cooking是个ReaderT,用run(foodStore)来注入依赖foodStore。那么如果我们还有一个kvStore或者jdbcDB,mongoDB可以直接用run(kvStore), run(jdbcDB), run(mongoDB) ... 返回的结果都是Task。

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