if ((index.column() == 0) && indexNode->permissions() & QFile::WriteUser) {
在函数 QFileSystemModelPrivate::_q_fileSystemChanged中,调用了addNode函数。
void QFileSystemModelPrivate::_q_fileSystemChanged(const QString &path, const QVector<QPair<QString, QFileInfo> > &updates)
enum Qt::ItemFlag
flags Qt::ItemFlags
This enum describes the properties of an item:
Constant |
Value |
Description |
Qt::NoItemFlags |
0 |
It does not have any properties set. |
Qt::ItemIsSelectable |
1 |
It can be selected. |
Qt::ItemIsEditable |
2 |
It can be edited. |
Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled |
4 |
It can be dragged. |
Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled |
8 |
It can be used as a drop target. |
Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable |
16 |
It can be checked or unchecked by the user. |
Qt::ItemIsEnabled |
32 |
The user can interact with the item. |
Qt::ItemIsAutoTristate |
64 |
The item's state depends on the state of its children. This enables automatic management of the state of parent items in QTreeWidget (checked if all children are checked, unchecked if all children are unchecked, or partially checked if only some children are checked). |
Qt::ItemIsTristate |
ItemIsAutoTristate |
This enum value is deprecated. Use Qt::ItemIsAutoTristate instead. |
Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren |
128 |
The item never has child items. This is used for optimization purposes only. |
Qt::ItemIsUserTristate |
256 |
The user can cycle through three separate states. This value has been added in Qt 5.5. |
Note that checkable items need to be given both a suitable set of flags and an initial state, indicating whether the item is checked or not. This is handled automatically for model/view components, but needs to be explicitly set for instances of QListWidgetItem, QTableWidgetItem, and QTreeWidgetItem.
Note that it is undefined behavior to reimplement QAbstractItemModel::hasChildren to return true for an index if that index has the Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren flag set.
The ItemFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<ItemFlag>. It stores an OR combination of ItemFlag values.
See also QAbstractItemModel.
enum QFileDevice::Permission
flags QFileDevice::Permissions
This enum is used by the permission() function to report the permissions and ownership of a file. The values may be OR-ed together to test multiple permissions and ownership values.
Constant |
Value |
Description |
QFileDevice::ReadOwner |
0x4000 |
The file is readable by the owner of the file. |
QFileDevice::WriteOwner |
0x2000 |
The file is writable by the owner of the file. |
QFileDevice::ExeOwner |
0x1000 |
The file is executable by the owner of the file. |
QFileDevice::ReadUser |
0x0400 |
The file is readable by the user. |
QFileDevice::WriteUser |
0x0200 |
The file is writable by the user. |
QFileDevice::ExeUser |
0x0100 |
The file is executable by the user. |
QFileDevice::ReadGroup |
0x0040 |
The file is readable by the group. |
QFileDevice::WriteGroup |
0x0020 |
The file is writable by the group. |
QFileDevice::ExeGroup |
0x0010 |
The file is executable by the group. |
QFileDevice::ReadOther |
0x0004 |
The file is readable by anyone. |
QFileDevice::WriteOther |
0x0002 |
The file is writable by anyone. |
QFileDevice::ExeOther |
0x0001 |
The file is executable by anyone. |
Warning: Because of differences in the platforms supported by Qt, the semantics of ReadUser, WriteUser and ExeUser are platform-dependent: On Unix, the rights of the owner of the file are returned and on Windows the rights of the current user are returned. This behavior might change in a future Qt version.
Note: On NTFS file systems, ownership and permissions checking is disabled by default for performance reasons. To enable it, include the following line:
extern Q_CORE_EXPORT int qt_ntfs_permission_lookup;
Permission checking is then turned on and off by incrementing and decrementing qt_ntfs_permission_lookup by 1.
qt_ntfs_permission_lookup++; // turn checking on
qt_ntfs_permission_lookup--; // turn it off again
The Permissions type is a typedef for QFlags<Permission>. It stores an OR combination of Permission values.
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