PyVmomi Clone_VM with CustomizaitonSpec
调用CustomizaitonSpec来Clone VM
Created on 2017-09-03
@author: Vincen
from pyVmomi import vim
from pyVim.connect import SmartConnectNoSSL, Disconnect
import atexit
import time def wait_for_task(task, action_name='job', hide_result=False):
Waits and provides updates on a vSphere task
while == vim.TaskInfo.State.running:
print("%s is running" % action_name)
time.sleep(2) if == vim.TaskInfo.State.success:
if is not None and not hide_result:
out = '%s completed successfully, result: %s' % (action_name,
out = '%s completed successfully.' % action_name
out = '%s did not complete successfully: %s' % (action_name,
raise # should be a Fault... check XXX # may not always be applicable, but can't hurt.
return def get_obj(content, vim_type, name):
Return an object by name, if name is None the
first found object is returned
obj = None
container = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, vim_type, True)
for c in container.view:
if name:
if == name:
obj = c
obj = c
break return obj def connect_vc(host, user, pwd, port):
si = SmartConnectNoSSL(host=host, user=user, pwd=pwd, port=port) # disconnect this thing
atexit.register(Disconnect, si) return si.RetrieveContent() # This will connect us to vCenter # With this we are searching for the MOID of the VM to clone from def clone_vm(content, template_name, resource_pool, customization_spec_name, vm_name, vm_folder, datastore_name, cluster_name): template_vm = get_obj(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], template_name) # This gets the MOID of the Guest Customization Spec that is saved in the vCenter DB
guest_customization_spec = content.customizationSpecManager.GetCustomizationSpec(name=customization_spec_name) # This will retrieve the Cluster MOID
datastore = get_obj(content, [vim.Datastore], datastore_name) cluster = get_obj(content, [vim.ClusterComputeResource], cluster_name)
if resource_pool:
resource_pool = get_obj(content, [vim.ResourcePool], resource_pool)
resource_pool = cluster.resourcePool relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec()
relocate_spec.datastore = datastore
relocate_spec.pool = resource_pool # The folder of the new vm.
dest_folder = get_obj(content, [vim.Folder], vm_folder) # This constructs the clone specification and adds the customization spec and location spec to it
cloneSpec = vim.vm.CloneSpec(powerOn=True, template=False, location=relocate_spec, customization=guest_customization_spec.spec) # Finally this is the clone operation with the relevant specs attached
clone = template_vm.Clone(name=vm_name, folder=dest_folder, spec=cloneSpec)
wait_for_task(clone, "VM clone task") if __name__ == '__main__':
username = 'administrator@vsphere.local'
password = 'vmware'
vcenter_ip = ''
vcenter_port = ''
cluster_name = 'BJ_Cluster'
datastore_name = "SSD"
template_name = 'Ubuntu16.04'
customization_spec_name = 'Ubuntu_Customization'
vm_name = 'Ubuntu08'
vm_folder = "Linux"
resource_pool = "" content = connect_vc(host=vcenter_ip, user=username, pwd=password, port=vcenter_port)
clone_vm(content, template_name, resource_pool, customization_spec_name, vm_name, vm_folder, datastore_name, cluster_name)
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