Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.


I don't want to talk about it any more.

Maybe I am the one who was cursed by the Heaven or by the God, because there was no happiness or luckiness in return for my positive and useful behaviors, and there were full of tragedies and difficulties in my life if compared to many others.

The more I had expected, the deeper I would lost in disappointments.

Too much, or too little, nonsense to me, I am not qualified to get even a glimmer of happiness.

Maybe I should never expect luckiness.

Remeber there is no lucky numbers, even they ever appeared in your dreams, so don't spend too much on those useless things.

But what else can I do to bring myself some positive energy?

Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming.


Some people, like me, always complain that they may have no glorious or bright future, and they think they are not favoured at all by the God.

They haven't yet abtained any rewards from their efforts, what they had obtained were all but failures, disappointments, frustrations.

Actually sometimes they were sleeping or deaf when the opportunities came to them, so the time belonging to them never comes.

What a pity, isn't it? If they had heard the footsteps of their time and had taken good use of the opportunities, their situation would be totally different.

But who knows? And who care?

Ok, let me bring an end to this unpleasant discussion, and shift to the subject we discussed several days ago:

The signs of being an arrogant person.

8. You despise the weak.

You can't tolerate people who show signs of being fallible.

If someone backs out from accepting responsiblities and taking charge of a situation, you resent and despise such a person.

9. You have a hard time in self-reflecting.

You find it difficult to stare at the mirror and see yourself for what you really are.

You have a hard time to look back at your failures and weaknesses.

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