由Python的浅拷贝(shallow copy)和深拷贝(deep copy)引发的思考
>>> help(copy)
Help on module copy:
copy - Generic (shallow and deep) copying operations.
Interface summary:
import copy
x = copy.copy(y) # make a shallow copy of y
x = copy.deepcopy(y) # make a deep copy of y
For module specific errors, copy.Error is raised.
The difference between shallow and deep copying is only relevant for compound objects (objects that contain other objects, like lists or
class instances).
- A shallow copy constructs a new compound object and then (to the extent possible) inserts *the same objects* into it that the
original contains.
- A deep copy constructs a new compound object and then, recursively, inserts *copies* into it of the objects found in the original.
...(here omitted 10000words)
2、不同点:浅拷贝—— 在拷贝出的新的对象上插入(引用)源list对象的一切;
深拷贝—— 递归地拷贝源list对象中的一切。(彻头彻尾的另立门户)
现在出现了一个新的问题—— 拷贝
- Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Aug 18 2016, 15:13:37)
- [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-17)] on linux2
- Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
- >>> a = 3
- >>> b = a
- >>> id(a)
- 7488264
- >>> id(b)
- 7488264
- >>> a = 4
- >>> id(a)
- 7488240
- >>> id(b) # 咦,b没有随a发生改变
- 7488264
- >>> b
例如:以上 a = 3, 其过程如下:
b = a时,同样系统先分配一块内存空间存放变量b, 之后系统将a中的第二部分数据拷贝到b中的第二部分。
当a = 4 时,变量a第二部分的数据即为常量4的存储地址,因此id(a)发生改变,而id(b)保持不变。
浅拷贝—— 在拷贝出的新的对象上插入(引用)源list对象的一切;
深拷贝—— 递归地拷贝源list对象中的一切。(彻头彻尾的另立门户)。
- #!/usr/bin/python # Python2
- #
- import copy
- will = ["Will", 28, ["Python", "C#", "JavaScript"]]
- wilber = copy.copy(will)
- print id(will) #
- print will # ['Will', 28, ['Python', 'C#', 'JavaScript']]
- print [id(ele) for ele in will] # [140337318374208, 13394096, 140337318282160]
- print '============================'
- print id(will[2]) #
- print id(will[2][0]) #
- print id(wilber[2][0]) #
- print id(wilber) #
- print wilber # ['Will', 28, ['Python', 'C#', 'JavaScript']]
- print [id(ele) for ele in wilber] # [140337318374208, 13394096, 140337318282160]
- will[0] = "Wilber"
- will[2].append("CSS")
- print id(will) #
- print will # ['Wilber', 28, ['Python', 'C#', 'JavaScript', 'CSS']]
- print [id(ele) for ele in will] # [140337318374448, 13394096, 140337318282160]
- print id(wilber) #
- print wilber # ['Will', 28, ['Python', 'C#', 'JavaScript', 'CSS']]
- print [id(ele) for ele in wilber] # [140337318374208, 13394096, 140337318282160]
浅拷贝时,列表will与wilber由系统分配不同的地址,系统将列表will的第一层进行拷贝即:will[0], will[1], will[2]拷贝,故wilber[0]与will[0],wilber[1]与will[1],wilber[2]与will[2],指向相同的内存地址。
- #!/usr/bin/python
- #
- import copy
- will = ["Will", 28, ["Python", "C#", "JavaScript"]]
- wilber = copy.deepcopy(will)
- print id(will) # 139899797283040
- print will # ['Will', 28, ['Python', 'C#', 'JavaScript']]
- print [id(ele) for ele in will] # [139899797338992, 11432112, 139899797246896]
- print '============='
- print id(will[2]) #
- print id(wilber[2]) #
- print id(will[2][0]) #
- print id(wilber[2][0]) #
- print id(wilber[2][1]) #
- print id(wilber) #
- print wilber # ['Will', 28, ['Python', 'C#', 'JavaScript']]
- print [id(ele) for ele in wilber] # [139899797338992, 11432112, 139899797351024]
- will[0] = "Wilber"
- will[2].append("CSS")
- print id(will) #
- print will # ['Wilber', 28, ['Python', 'C#', 'JavaScript', 'CSS']]
- print [id(ele) for ele in will] # [139899797339280, 11432112, 139899797246896]
- print id(wilber) #
- print wilber # ['Will', 28, ['Python', 'C#', 'JavaScript']]
- print [id(ele) for ele in wilber] # [139899797338992, 11432112, 139899797351024]
深拷贝时,系统将列表will逐层进行拷贝即:列表will与wilbe,will[2]与wilber[2]由系统分配不同的地址,will[0], will[1], will[2],will[2][0], will[2][1], will[2][2]拷贝;
故wilber[0]与will[0],wilber[1]与will[1], will[2][0]与wilber[2][0], will[2][1]与wilber[2][0], will[2][2]与wilber[2][2],指向相同的内存地址。
- #!/usr/bin/python
- #
- will = ["Will", 28, ["Python", "C#", "JavaScript"]]
- wilber = will
- print id(will)
- print will
- print [id(ele) for ele in will]
- print id(wilber)
- print wilber
- print [id(ele) for ele in wilber]
- will[0] = "Wilber"
- will[2].append("CSS")
- print id(will)
- print will
- print [id(ele) for ele in will] # 发现操作的是同一对象
- print id(wilber)
- print wilber
- print [id(ele) for ele in wilber]
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