UNIGUI:How to redirect and close session?
i would have 2 unigui app.
the first app is a simple authentification app and second will be the main app.
I'd like to have the following scenario.
user "paul" arrive on the auth app
paul set his login and password.
the auth app redirect paul to an other server with some parameters( sended with post method) and session on auth app will close.
the main app read "post parameters" and begin a user session. on close or on timeout in the main app the user will be redirect to the auth app.
To sum up,
how can i do a redirect with parameters (post method) and close current session ?
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Posted 04 September 2015 - 05:43 AM
delagoutte, on 03 Sept 2015 - 11:47 PM, said:
the auth app redirect paul to an other server with some parameters( sended with post method) and session on auth app will close.the main app read "post parameters" and begin a user session. on close or on timeout in the main app the user will be redirect to the auth app.
To sum up,
how can i do a redirect with parameters (post method) and close current session ?
I think there are several ways to redirect to another server with some parameters from the first app, for example, one of these:
first app:
procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
'var f = document.createElement("form"); '+
'f.action="http://localhost:8079"; '+ // the second app url
'f.method="POST"; '+ 'var i=document.createElement("input"); '+ // username
'i.type="hidden"; '+
'i.name="username"; '+
'i.value="login"; '+
'f.appendChild(i); '+ 'var i2=document.createElement("input"); '+ // password
'i2.type="hidden"; '+
'i2.name="password"; '+
'i2.value="pwd"; '+
'f.appendChild(i2); '+ 'document.body.appendChild(f); '+
'f.submit(); '
..and session on auth app will close...
I think here too, there are several ways maybe you can use the timer in the first app after the call redirection ??:
procedure TMainForm.UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
second app:
firstly, need to analyze the demo project:
C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\URLParameters...
..on close or on timeout in the main app the user will be redirect to the auth app...
function redirect() {
location.href = "http://localhost:8077"; // first app url
window.onpaint = redirect();
<body bgcolor="#dfe8f6">
Best regards.
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